House of Representatives Continues to Display Corruption and Incompetence: America’s Government is Broken Beyond Repair

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

There is little difference when discussing the TEA Party or the Freedom Caucus. Both extremist groups have been bought and paid for by America’s billionaires and have the same goal: end democracy in America, establish a permanent Plutocracy, and institute a fascist regime to guarantee the change in our nation’s political system.

Let’s explore a little reality right now. Kevin McCarthy was never a legitimate Speaker of the House: he was nothing but a tool for the extremists in his party and Trump. 15 votes were required to allow him to receive the gavel. Meanwhile, he gave away all of his power, his dignity and his principles to the Freedom Caucus.

He was removed from the House because he refused to take action so extreme, it could only be labeled as fascist. Another first for America.

After numerous names were offered to replace McCarthy, a man no one knew was chosen as the next Speaker.


Mike Johnson was handed the gavel by the Freedom Caucus. He is a religious extremist, and opposes policies including deliberation and compromise between members on both sides of the aisle. Because of recent actions on his part, he, too, is facing expulsion from his position. Apparently, Johnson is not “extreme enough.”

Let’s stop and think about the facts, facts which confirm the single reason why our government is totally dysfunctional.

The House has 435 members. Currently Republicans have the majority with 218 members. Of those 218, 41 are far right extremists calling themselves the “Freedom Caucus.” However, all House Republicans bow to these 41 traitors to our form of government and allow it to become worthless. This is the real “party of no.” Nothing considered progressive is ever accomplished when Republicans control our nation’s future.

In fact, Trump’s incompetent administration attempted to move our nation backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century when women and minorities “knew their place.”


One fact stands alone which proves that Trump and the Freedom Caucus are the core of the American Fascist Party. Trump and his extremist supporters in the House take their orders from Vladimir Putin.

When Trump pretended to be your illegitimate president, he vetoed every sanction focused on Putin’s interference in our nation’s effort to govern 330 million people. Trump is no more than a tool for the Russian president, and the Freedom Caucus obeys the demands of Donald Trump.

Mike Johnson is being threatened with removal as the Speaker of the House. The reason is simple. He chose to align himself with Democrats in the House and pass a bill sending additional military aid to the freedom fighters in Ukraine.

Putin is losing his war. His huge army with its enormous supply of weapons has proven itself to be incompetent, and without leadership. Currently, 457,830 members of Russia’s military have been killed.

Russia’s economy is formally in a recession. Each day Putin’s military remains in Ukraine costs an estimated $500 million to one billion dollars.


In 1965, as the Vietnam War escalated, I, and millions of young Americans asked “why.” The same question is likely being asked by the Russian people. There was no aggression reported by the people of Ukraine. The only answer is Putin invaded Ukraine because he could.

Remember, the people of Russia, and the people of Ukraine share thousands of relatives and friends. In reality, Trump is murdering his own people.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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