In 2024 Polling is Stupid: The Antiquated Techniques are Inaccurate and Therefore Misleading

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I used to follow the polls on the important races religiously; primarily “Real Clear Politics.” However, after the 2016 election, when virtually every legitimate poll projected a landslide for Hillary, and you know the rest, Today, I ignore them.

The more you read, the more information you possess. However, you also possess a great deal of misinformation. The key is sorting out facts from a plethora of baseless conspiracy theories. Sometimes I discard everything, and read seemingly unrelated articles featuring the statements, remarks, and questions of average Americans. I occasionally find a recurring theme.

Remember, it is not the people involved in the Stock Market, the fake television journalists, or the politicians involved in campaigns who decide who wins elections; it is the average man and woman who select our president, members of the senate, members of the House, and state and local officials.


Over the last eight years, the majority of all Americans felt ignored, and similar to pawns in a game of chess. Politicians tell us we are important, when the truth is revealed, they only care about our votes.

I supported Kamala Harris in 2019. I felt that our country was in need of a new face. I dreaded the thought of watching two old, white men challenge each other for the future of our nation, a future neither of them has any chance of seeing.

However, I enthusiastically voted for Joe Biden. The idea of Trump receiving another four years to complete his plans to destroy my beloved country were and are unforgivable.

Late in 2023, when the American people learned that it was highly probable that the 2024 election would be a repeat of 2020, with the same two old men who were four years older, facing each other in another presidential election, the “air went out of our sails.” That ugly emotion of apathy began to spread across the land.

Many of us were in fear because of the polls. I never believed them because they claimed Trump was leading, and because the methods for conducting the polls and the sampling percentages were never revealed. However, I continued to fear the only man the right-wing could support for the last three elections.


I admit to underestimating the work ethic of President Biden. He has been one of the most effective presidents in modern history. His accomplishments, most importantly the resurgence of our economy, far surpass every president since Bill Clinton.

Only Biden and Obama addressed the issues facing our nation today. Republicans continue to prove they have no interest in serving the average man and woman.

Polls fail to address issues which cannot be measured by statistics. The only statistic that matters is voter turnout. When the percentage of voters is high, Democrats win. When the turnout is low, the worst of the worst, calling themselves “Republicans,” creep in from the back door.

My fear about 2024, when it appeared that it would be Trump vs Biden, was that voters would refrain from filling out their ballots by mail, or going to the polls. The polls cannot measure words like “excitement,” and “enthusiasm.” This is what is happening today.

Multiple large groups have come forward to endorse Kamala Harris. Hundreds of millions of dollars were donated to her campaign in two weeks. Crowds are raucous and reveal something not seen since 2016.


Polls sell advertising on newspapers and television. They are good for little else.

I am making a prediction today, based on the mood of the public, and the disparity between the candidate’s qualifications. Kamala Harris will easily become the first woman President of the United States on November 5, 2024.

One week later, the old, tiresome buffoon will begin to become nothing more than a bad memory of a huge, year’s long nightmare.

A month later, infighting within the fake Republican Party, will end the façade that the once Grand Old Party exists.

Six months later, America will begin to heal from the mistake known as Donald John Trump.

My country will be saved.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels can be found on Amazon’s Kindle



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