Trump, Putin, and American Fascism


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

If you don’t read my articles every day, you are probably unaware of what is happening in America today. You have no understanding that the Second Civil War began in 2017 and continues today. This battle is virtually between the same combatants who existed in 1861. Real Americans are facing an enemy who seeks the end of the United States of America. In 1861 they called themselves “The Confederacy.” Today they call themselves “MAGA Republicans,” which is synonymous with The American Fascist Party.


Beginning in June of 2015, Trump began following Adolf Hiter’s playbook for taking autocratic control of 1930’s Germany. His first efforts were clear, but the mainstream media refused to tell the truth to their viewers.

First, Hitler took control of all media. The only “facts” came from his government. Trump did the same by calling the legitimate media “fake,” and supporting right-wing propaganda machines like FOX News.

Second, Trump lied constantly, telling his people what they wanted to hear. Hitler firmly believed that if lies are told often enough, and forcefully, eventually the people would believe them. For example: Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election is ludicrous, but it continues and the weak-minded believe him, although the evidence is unanimous in favor of the election officials in all 50 states and the Supreme Court.


Under the guidance of Vladimir Putin, Trump is now consolidating his hold over the former Grand Old Party. He forced Ronna McDaniel from her position as the Chairman of the RNC, and in her place he put a loyal supporter, joined by his daughter-in-law, Lara.

Today his minions took a second step to ensure that all RNC funding would be placed in his war chest and only his.


Former North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley, and Lara Trump fired more than 60 members of the RNC staff for no other reason than they refused to swear loyalty to the dictator of The American Fascist Party. Hitler is alive and well and his name is Donald Trump.

The new and corrupt “Republican Party” is the enemy of all patriotic Americans. They hate America and have a single goal: destroy our nation’s principles and morals by shredding the Constitution. They have already proven that they believe Trump is above the law, and if that is true, he will be allowed to continue his 2024 campaign.


Not for one moment in my 77 years could I have imagined what is happening to my country today. I began my interest in politics in 1956 when I happened to turn on the television and what I saw was amazing. The Republican National Convention was preparing to nominate Dwight D. Eisenhower for a second term. The process, the pomp and circumstance were exciting. I was in awe, and from that day forward politics became one of my most important interests.


I was a freshman in high school when John F. Kennedy faced Richard Nixon for the presidency of the United States. I was in awe when JFK spoke because he spoke to me and all younger Americans.

I was a senior on November 22, 1963 when my fellow students and I learned that he had been murdered in Dallas, Texas. For the remainder of that day I lost all hope, and fear for my future and the future of my country would be decided over the next few days. I had reason to be afraid: the outcome was worse that I could ever have believed.

The truth about Mr. Kennedy’s assassination was never revealed to the American people. Initially evidence was offered by the fourth estate proving that Lee Harvey Oswald could not have accomplished his vile action without assistance. However, these facts were later discounted by the corrupt Warren Commission. Another reality was hidden from the American people to protect our corrupt government.


What is happening today is very similar to 1963. The truth about Trump’s collusion with Vladimir Putin and their efforts to end democracy in America is undeniable. The media refuses to tell the truth. You can choose to deny reality but what will happen if Trump and Putin regain control of America is inevitable.

This war will be decided by the most important election in the history of the world. Our country, once considered the brightest light in the free world will continue or be replaced by a fascist dictator who serves the leader of our nation’s greatest enemy.

It’s all up to you.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app, and please tell everyone about my blog, TheWiseOldFart, because THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS LIVE HERE





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