A Huge Victory for Democrats and Our Nation?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The men and women who call themselves “Republicans” in the House are radicals, extremists, and idiots. Under their control, history has been made. However, it is a part of our nation’s past which historians will recall as the worst days in American politics. !5 votes to select a Speaker in 2023, which has never happened in our nation’s 247-year history. Later, his ouster and replacement by an extremist group which seeks the destruction of our nation’s basic principles and ideals. And now the possibility of a third Speaker in nearly 15 months proves that right-wing politicians are moronic and incompetent.

Could Common Sense Return to the House of Representatives?

Change could be coming. Another historical event has become a possibility and could reverse some of the damage caused by today’s fake Republicans.

The Freedom Caucus, an extremist group which has moved so far to the right it has become a fascist organization, is likely to become the reason why Democrats could seize control of the House prior to our November election.

The Final Straw?

Earlier this month, Colorado’s Republican Representative Ken Buck offered his resignation. He explained his decision in the following statement.

"I think it's the next three people that leave," he told Axios, "that they're going to be worried about." Less than two weeks later, Buck's comments began to look prophetic when Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher said he, too, would quit before his term was up.

And now Fox News' Chad Pergram reports that "other Republicans are angling to get out as soon as they can." Some, he says, "are just exasperated." Others are tired of being asked about Donald Trump's never-ending outbursts. And still others may simply be eager for a "big payday in the private sector."

The Final Implosion of the Party of Lincoln

With the advent of the TEA Party and later the even more extreme creation of The Freedom Caucus, a large number of right-wing politicians forever abandoned the morals, principles, and ideals of the once Grand Old Party. Devoted Republicans found it impossible to support the changes and abandonment of what it meant to be a Republican.

Ignoring the needs and wishes of the American people and offering their allegiance to the worst president in American history, resulted in the creation of a new and incompetent party known by two names: MAGA Republicans, or The American Fascist Party.

Change Could Come Before November 5th

Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute points to the very real possibility that Democrats could regain control of the House prior to November 5th. He offered advice for Democrats it this opportunity becomes a reality.

"Democrats should be mapping out a careful plan," Ornstein said. "If you have a week, you need a package ready to go that you can move with lightning speed."

The “Do Nothing Congress”

In 2023, a record 27 bills were passed and became law. The normal number of bills passed in a single year range between 200-600, making this Congress the least productive in history.

This began with Moscow Mitch McConnell in 2009 when he and then Speaker John Boehner stood before the television cameras and made a promise to the American people. “Our party will do nothing until that man, (referring to President Obama), becomes a one-term president.” This promise continues today.

Republicans are Incapable of Governing our Country

Over the last four decades right-wing politicians have proven that they are incapable of governing the United States of America. Clinton bailed out Reagan and Bush 41. Obama bailed out Bush 43. And Biden bailed out Trump. The irrefutable fact is that the majority of Americans fare far better when Democrats and Independents control the future of our nation. Trickle-Down Economics has failed the last four “Republican” presidents and the working class.

If Democrats prepare for the possibility of complete control of the executive and legislative branches for even a short period of time, they could undo some of the damage caused by Trump and his loyal supporters in Washington. Then, if voters do the right thing, huge victories by Democrats and Independents on November 5, 2024 could end the tyranny of those who would end democracy and replace it with a fascist regime.

Vote for the best people, not for a party.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Sources: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/27/2231789/-The-GOP-could-lose-the-House-before-Election-Day-Here-s-how-Democrats-get-ready?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=elections&pm_medium=web






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