Trump’s Party, Defined by Failure, Hypocrisy, and Incompetence

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Are you excited? Today, July 15, 2024, is the first day of the Republican National Convention in the extremely blue state of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Go figure. What moron chose this city for the biggest event of an important year for their party’s future? 

If you are not thrilled by the events of the coming week, I fail to understand why not. Your new party without a defining name, who was once the Party of Lincoln, known as “Republicans,” is about to nominate an old, obese, white man who is mentally and physically unfit for any office, for the third time; a record in party history. 

In 2016, Trump won the nomination over 16 rivals by personally attacking each of them, while never discussing a single serious issue facing America. Thanks to assistance from Russian President Vladimir Putin, and a refusal to inform the electorate about this fact by our leaders in 

Washington, Trump was given a win by the unconstitutional Electoral College, although he lost the popular vote by three million. He became our nation’s first illegitimate president and should never have been allowed to take the oath of office. 

In 2020, the Trump Party, also called the American Fascist Party, found no other candidate qualified to lead America, or represent their disheveled party.  

Trump was crushed in both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote in what his own Election Czar called “the fairest and most secure election in history.” 

This week the man confirmed as the worst president in history by all presidential historians, a convicted felon and sexual deviant, a lifetime criminal who idolizes the greatest tyrants in history, will once again be the nominee of those who call themselves “Republicans.” 

Think about this for a few minutes. If Trump is the best of his party, the standard bearer for what it means to be a “Republican,” everyone below him on the food chain is worse. Wow!!! 


Today, the first day when America’s fascist leaders all came together to plan the end of democracy, the orange buffoon chose his running mate. As I predicted. He settled for Ohio Senator J.D. Vance 

When I call Republicans hypocrites, this is a perfect example. All three of the finalists denounced Trump in the past. Here is what the “winner” had to say about his master. 

“I’m a Never Trump guy,” Vance said in an interview with Charlie Rose in 2016, a clip used in both the new ads. “I never liked him.” 

Both ads also feature a screenshot of a Vance tweet from October 2016. “My god what an idiot,” he wrote, referring to Trump. Of course there were many more derogatory remarks. 

Once again, think about this. He was the “best choice to be his running mate. Really? I would be ashamed to be a member of this fake Republican Party 

I can’t emphasize this enough: Trump is the best candidate they can offer since 2012. There was no one better than a failed businessman, a sexual predator, and a lifelong criminal since Mitt Romney. He is “the Republican Party” in the 21st century. 

What a country. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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