A Speech for Now and a Positive Direction for Our Nation’s Future


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I am the same age as the man who calls his supporters, “basement dwellers:” 78 years old. I, too, am too old to lead my beloved country. However, my interest in politics began in 1956 and I continue to follow everything happening in Washington today. I have heard more than my share of political speeches.

Last night I was privileged to hear one of the greatest of all time. Not since Barack Obama in 2008 have I heard anyone touch every man and woman in our country with words intended to motivate and inspire them. Once again, the word is “hope.”

Like everyone else, I was anxious to hear Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech, and I was not disappointed. She began with praise for her late mother. She credited her for the lessons which made her the strong woman she is today. No one, old, young, Black, white, Christian, Muslim, rich or poor was left out of her speech. Towards the end she promised to bring Israelis and Palestinians together. If she can, she will have accomplished something many of her predecessors attempted but failed to achieve.

Her entire speech was positive, with the exception of a few deserved jibes at her much older opponent, Donald Trump. She claimed that he is “not a serious man,” his focus is on himself. She compared the fact that she was a prosecutor who faced many criminals like Trump, while Trump is a confirmed sexual predator, and a failed businessman who was found guilty on all 34 counts after a recent trial in a New York court.

However, the majority of her speech contained plans for the future of all Americans, not just the few who are wealthy beyond imagination.


CNN composed a focus group of eight undecided voters to watch Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech and offer their opinions.

After the balloons dropped, they were asked to offer their opinions. One person remained loyal to the Republican Party, one remained undecided. However six were ready to vote for Ms. Harris. They were impressed by her speech, but also found her “presidential.” They expressed their belief that she would be a strong leader for all of our nation’s people.

Earlier this morning I read stories about right-wing voters who boycotted Kamala Harris’ speech. I ask, “why?” What are they afraid of? The truth might set them free from the lies and brainwashing by Fox and Trump’s party. Every politician on the right side of the aisle shares the same fact. If the truth is known, their futures in politics are over.


I was glued to the television. Hers was one of the greatest speeches I have ever read or listened to.

The New York Times: “Kamala Harris faced a high bar in convention speech. She soared past it.” The praise for her 37-minute revelation of her plans for our nation’s future was unanimous from every legitimate press outlet. She covered every issue facing our nation while always including all 330 million American people. It was made perfectly clear that her focus will be on our nation’s people, while never forgetting her responsibility to protect our nation’s interests around the world. Nothing was excluded from her straightforward and deliberate address to the Democratic faithful and a television audience of millions.

Kamala Harris constantly offered one fact: she will be America’s president, not a Trump clone whose only interest will be America’s super-rich.

It was easy to compare and contrast the differences between Trump and Ms. Harris. Trump would move our nation backwards to the “bad old days.” Kamala Harris will move our nation bravely forward into the 21st century and join the rest of developed nations. Trump’s presidency would be about revenge, dividing our nation’s people, and protecting himself from additional criminal prosecution. Like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris will be an American president who will serve the needs and wishes of our people.


There is no denying the fact that most political speeches are primarily composed of promises with no intention of keeping them. Past actions from Kamala Harris prove that she was honest and sincere Thursday evening. She is committed to her beliefs, her love of country, and to the positive growth of the United States of America, which means that her priorities are clear: the American people will always be at the forefront of her presidency.

On November 5th, the choice is not just about the candidates offered by both parties. This election is about the future of our country: where we want it to be in 10 years.

The two parties are diametrically opposed in regard to the direction America should follow. One path will lead us to an eventual authoritarian government. The other will save the dream of our Founding Fathers. Someday the United States will truly be “the greatest country in the world.”

Your vote: your choice.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle

Sources: https://www.nj.com/politics/2024/08/stunned-cnn-host-reacts-to-undecided-pa-voters-reaction-to-trump-harris-race.html




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