One More Reason Brett Kavanaugh Should Never Have Been Confirmed for a Seat on the Supreme Court

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

When I discuss the reasons Brett Kavanaugh is unfit to have a seat on the United States Supreme Court, three other names come to mind: Christine Blasey Ford, Anita Hill, and Clarence Thomas.

I remember the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas in 1991. Both his hearings and his confirmation remain controversial. I continue to look at the events of that year as a demonstration of how sexist old, white men were then, and how many of them remain prejudiced against women today. Some remain in the Senate, and the Chairman of those hearings is our nation’s current president.

Thomas’ only serious obstacle was an allegation of sexual misconduct from a former aide, Anita Hill. I considered Ms. Hill a credible witness. Her recounting of the details were believable, and contained information only she and Thomas would have known.

However, Thomas was confirmed by nearly every man in the Senate. Today, he is known as the most corrupt and prejudicial justice on what has become the most biased Court in history.

Move ahead to Trump’s illegitimate presidency.

Brett Kavanaugh became Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee. His resume contained nothing which offered a reason why he should have been selected for a seat on the Court. Later I learned that the only reason he was selected was a promise to overturn Roe v Wade if the opportunity arose.

His 2018 confirmation hearings were all too similar to those for Thomas in 1991.

Doctor Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were both in college. As it was in 1991, a predominately male group of senators confirmed the ‘beer-loving’ judge.


It was revealed later that the FBI had failed to thoroughly vet Kavanaugh prior to his senate hearings. Today we learned that Trump’s interference into that investigation protected Kavanaugh from a fair and comprehensive examination which included Dr. Ford’s allegations. The truth was revealed to all Americans on Tuesday.

[An investigation led by the Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse also found that both the Trump White House and the FBI “misled the public and the Senate” about the scope of the investigation it did conduct into the sexual assault allegations by falsely claiming that the FBI had conducted its investigation thoroughly and “by the book”.]


Over my 78 years, one fact remains: when men are allowed to make a decision between the believability of a man or a woman, they will always believe the man’s version of the story.

Throughout my adult years, I have been on the opposite side of this story most of the time. In 1991 I believed Anita Hill, and in 2018 I strongly believed that Dr. Ford was completely honest about what happened to her when her path and that of Kavanaugh’s crossed.

I have been an advocate for our country to choose a woman president for nearly two decades. As I research information pertinent to my articles, I had occasion to learn more about many of our nation’s 46 presidents. I was not impressed.

These mostly old, white men have generally failed to perform their duties to a high level. It is a fact that most of our nation’s leaders supported American Imperialism. “War is good business.”


In 2016, with assistance from Russia, James Comey, and the mainstream media, the least qualified and most immoral man in history became our 45th president.

For the next four years he did nothing with the exception of dividing our nation’s people, committed multiple Constitutional violations, and filled his wallet with cash donated to him by the leaders of multiple foreign nations. As he was about to be evicted from the White House, he attempted a coup to overturn the previous election, in which the people adamantly voiced their opinion that he was unfit to wear the title of President of the United States.

Trump should not be running for the presidency in 2024. Section three of the 14th amendment clearly states that no former government official who engaged in an insurrection could hold public office. However, a corrupt and biased Supreme Court refused to uphold the 14th Amendment. This is the only reason the Supreme Court exists.

When the right-wing found no other candidate worthy of its nomination for the presidency, they settled on the man who was labeled “the worst president in American history” for the third time.

However, this time Trump is just 18 months from his 80th birthday, and is clearly suffering from early dementia. He is entirely unfit for any public office, and yet he remains in contention.


In 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were electrocuted for selling our nation’s nuclear secrets to Russia.

In 2021, Trump stole at least 14 boxes of national secrets, lied about returning them, and later his residence at Mar-a-Lago was raided. A large amount of classified material he claimed to have returned was hidden throughout the billionaire’s playpen.

However, Trump is not in jail, awaiting execution for violating the Espionage Act. Trump is running for the presidency.

America is totally f**ked up.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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