Antichrist has no Soul
In America, a president’s primary function is to improve the
lives of all of his or her nation’s people, and guarantee their safety and
security. Trump is not an American president.
During the last five days the Antichrist has destroyed all
of the good accomplished by President Biden over the last four years.
His choices to be his closest advisers are a gang of
unqualified billionaires, criminals, alcoholics, sexual predators, and Neo-Nazi
supporters. Not a single man or woman in the Trump administration will be
qualified to hold the position and the department they will be leading,
including Trump. The White House will be staffed with clowns and pretenders.
We were fully aware that the Antichrist had no heart, and
with his most recent actions, we know he has no soul. He has become “Trump the
Destroyer.” Every action he claims as an accomplishment is in reality harmful
to our nation’s people and the future of our country.
By biblical definition, Donald John Trump is the Antichrist.
Many of his most loyal supporters, his “basement dwellers,” were likely devout
Christians. Today their fealty is to Trump and his fascist party.
Let’s compare the first days of Trump’s two illegitimate
presidencies and Joe Biden’s.
Both in 2017 and 2025, Trump the Destroyer, the Antichrist,
revoked and repealed most of his predecessor’s accomplishments and signed
executive orders which were in violation of the Constitution.
Trump was very proud that he pardoned about 1,500 of his
Nazi supporters who attempted a violent insurrection on January 6, 2021.
In 2021, President Biden inherited the biggest mess
possible. Nothing had been done to ensure that the distribution of the Covid-19
vaccine was efficient and would happen quickly. President Biden and his team
created a plan immediately, and it was extremely effective.
In the weeks that followed, the first stimulus checks were
sent to the American people. Thousands of jobs, and hundreds of small
businesses were saved.
Do you see the pattern? Why didn’t voters use their brains
instead of their emotions on November 5, 2024? Their ignorance is responsible
for much of the damage Trump is doing to America.
It is obvious that most voters failed to appreciate the
successes of Joe Biden on their behalf. The truth is Republicans cannot and
will not competently serve in leadership positions. Since 1992, Bill Clinton, Barack
Obama, and Joe Biden saved our country from the complete failures of the
Republicans who preceded them.
As far as the economy, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush
placed our nation in debt for trillions of dollars as the unemployment rate
grew. Bill Clinton left office in 2001 with the economy booming and the
national treasury experiencing a surplus. He erased the national debt.
Barack Obama saved our nation’s economy which had become “the
Great Recession” under George W. Bush. Obama inherited two unwinnable wars, a housing
crisis, and rising unemployment, just to name a few.
After two terms Obama erased the damage caused by the fiscal
policy of “trickle-down economics,” the same policy used by the last three
Republican presidents. When he left office in 2017, our country was in full
However, Trump adopted the same fiscal policy in 2017 and
failed to lead in the fight against Covid-19, placing our nation in a near
depression. Once again, a Democrat, Joe Biden, came to the rescue and saved
thousands of jobs, and thousands of small businesses.
Now we are being punished again with a second, already
failed Trump presidency. Without a heart, a soul, or even average intelligence,
all hope may be lost.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Please follow my blog because the truth lives here
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