It’s not Just Trump, Trump’s Entire Party is a Danger to America
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
To save America’s future Donald Trump must never be allowed
within shouting distance of the White House again. However, his entire party
has become a danger to our country. They have proven themselves to be traitors
to the American people.
“Project 2025” is a “Mandate for Leadership: The
Conservative Promise,” composed by the Heritage Foundation and more than 100 of
Trump’s personal staff. A more accurate title would be, “A Fascist Playbook for
America’s Future.”
It is filled with plans to shred the Constitution, replace
democracy with a fascist regime, and place Trump in position as America’s
Fuhrer. It contains nearly 900 pages of goals and plans to end the nation of
our Founding Fathers.
Trump continues to deny any part in the composition of Project
2025, but he is clearly lying, again. He constantly claims that “he has done
nothing wrong,” that “he never made a mistake.” Let me offer one irrefutable
fact: “if you have never made a mistake, you have never done anything.” Only
those who stand on the sidelines never make mistakes.
Benjamin Franklin once said: “The man who does things makes
many mistakes, but he never makes the biggest mistake of all—doing nothing.”
With Trump defiling the White House, you won’t make any
mistakes because you will no longer have free will or free thought. His Project
2025 guarantees that fact. You will never again vote in a free and fair
election. Our election process will mirror what happens in Russia under Vladimir
Putin’s rule. Recent decisions by today’s biased and corrupt Supreme Court
gives him the power to do so.
All of their proposals support big business and/or the
Christian Religious Right. Here are just a few examples.
Project 2025 would enable corporations to cut overtime pay,
relax worker safety rules, allow workplace discrimination, and more.
Despite the majority of Americans supporting comprehensive
health care and reproductive freedom, Project 2025 would prefer a far different
reality. Their attacks would undermine Medicare, keep prescription drug prices
high, and restrict access to reproductive care.
Limit access to food assistance, which an average of more
than 40 million people in 21.6 million households rely on monthly
There are 887 pages in Project 2025. Each of its proposals would
void the principles of our Founding Fathers, including the promise that “all
men are created equal,” and void every precept guaranteed by the First
If you ever had a doubt that right-wing politicians are
racists, bigots, misogynists, homophobes, and xenophobes, thumb through Project
2025. It is so extreme it can rightfully be compared to Hitler’s infamous Mein
Kampf, but with more subtlety.
It doesn’t require great efforts to read between the lines
to become aware of how deeply entrenched this document is in its support of
fascism and the continuation of our current plutocracy.
However, the attacks on women’s rights, LGBTQ rights are
clear, It would openly prevent access to information about our nation’s
history. They would rewrite the truth to hide all traces of slavery and escalating
racism in America, along with the reality of the existence of non-heterosexuals
in all aspects of society.
Conservatives would create a vision of America based on fantasy
and fairy tales. The truth is, America is an experiment which continues to
produce diverse results. Mistakes have been made, and some exist as they did
248 years ago. However, progress has been made although Trump and his party
attempted to undo much of that progress between 2017 and 2021.
When Trump took the oath of office on January 20, 2017, he
was telling another lie. He obviously opposes the Constitution he swore to “preserve
and protect against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” He and his party are “domestic
Only an American must be allowed to become the President of
the United States of America. Trump admits that he would not only refuse to
serve those who did not serve him, he would destroy our lives.
Donald Trump is no longer hiding his true self. Desperation
related to the 2024 election is forcing him to expose the evil hiding behind
the façade.
The American people have an opportunity to create great
change. Electing Kamala Harris will place a progressive Black/Asian woman in a
position to prioritize the American people, and force corporations to care for
It is a must that every eligible voter mail-in their ballots
or go to the polls during early voting or on November 5th and support
a much needed historical change in America.
Voting is a right and a responsibility.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle
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