What our Government, the Media, and the Right-Wing Propaganda Machine Won’t Tell Us About China
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Throughout the four years of Trump’s reign of terror we constantly
heard negative rants about “Jina.” I am not unaware, and there are many issues
which disgust me about the government of the most populous nation in the world.
However, a great leader finds the ability to make our enemies our allies. Not
The United States and China are the two richest nations, but
also the greatest polluters in the world. Both nations are guilty of poisoning
our atmosphere with carbon emissions. The American press is quick to blame China
for the its part in this very important issue, but never criticize our own
failure to take serious action and lessen or end climate change. We must take
responsibility for our failures and stop blaming others.
So it should be of no surprise to you that the mainstream
media fails to report positive efforts from China to lower their part in carbon
I am a believer in two things above all else which identify
men and women and their character: respect, and the truth.
Respect must be earned, it cannot be given freely. This is
why I trust no one in power today. The truth is founded in irrefutable fact.
Arguing against the truth proves that someone has something to hide. One entire
political party denies climate change in front of the cameras for a single
reason: those who cause the greatest percentage of pollution are special
interests who make billions of dollars ignoring their damage to the environment.
These corporations and wealthy men and women pay for their elections.
Okay, enough of that. This is about positive change and not
about the lies which never cease from the extreme right.
Here is the headline which inspired me to write this
“China’s War on Pollution Improved Air Quality 42%, Reduced
Global Pollution Average, and Returned 2 Years of Life to Citizens.”
Since 2013 the average number of pollution particulates have
been reduced by 42 percent. This means 50 particles per cubic centimeters of
city air, the change has increased the lifespan of Chinese urbanites by 2.2
Okay, it could be better, and so could we. Climate change is
the greatest danger to the future of our planet, and this is an undeniable
fact. Only five percent of all climatologists disagree with the truth, and they
are funded by large corporations: the biggest polluters.
My point is that although the government of China is
suspect, and corrupt, much like our own, the people are no different than us. They
want the same things; a better quality of life and security for those they
Television news is always negative because negative emotions
result in increased viewership, and in turn more advertising revenue. The
desire for increased profits has smothered the concerns for the American
people. Turn off the “boob tube” and read. The truth is not on a widescreen TV.
It is imperative that the people of all nations join
together and save our planet for generations to come. We must unite against the
few countries which ignore the needs of their people, like Putin.
Demand more from our elected officials. They work for us,
not for themselves.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my nine novels here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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