I Learned About a Hidden Evil and Another Reason America Will Never be a Great Nation


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

In 2008, thanks to George W. Bush’s failed economic policy which allowed the super-rich to increase their personal wealth while ignoring the waning lifestyle of the majority, I was laid off from my last job in the private sector. It became immediately clear that I was the first because I was the oldest employee in that branch. At the time I was working for the largest electrical supply company in America. In 2009 I was hired to be a part of the 2010 Decennial Census. During that year I learned that “ageism” is a huge problem in our nation.

After working in the field conducting projects critical to achieving the goal of an accurate and complete count of the number of people living in Northern Nevada, I was asked to work in the regional office in South Reno in the fall of 2009. Eventually, the number of individuals working in the office exceeded 100. Ages ranged from 18 to 80. Each person was hired for their position based on a single qualification: their test scores.

In discussion with other older men and women. I learned that several others were like myself and were refused employment in the private sector based solely on our age. Yes, I am aware that there are laws intended to prevent this, but if laws are not fully enforced they are powerless, and therefore worthless.

This is a growing problem in America, and one of the reasons the United States will never be a great country. Other are racism, bigotry, and the most corrupt government in the world of developed nations.

The fact that federal laws are not enforced is not unusual today. Trump violated the Constitution every day he was in office between 2017 and 2021 and was allowed to remain in the White House. Moscow Mitch McConnell and other members of his party have proven that the orange traitor is above the law. Laws only apply to the underprivileged, minorities, and women in 21st century America.

The American people are losing the Second Civil War. Descendants of fascist Americans who sought the end of democracy in 1939 are winning. Our government has ignored the needs and wishes of the people for more than four decades.

The beginning of the end for a nation involves the abandonment of those most in need, including our poor, those who are mentally and physically disabled, and those of us in our “golden years.” Unlike the majority of nations, the United States no longer treasures the accomplishments and wisdom of its elder citizens. My wife and I should not be forced to pay for healthcare. Social Security, which was fully funded by working men and women and our employers, should be paid at a rate which makes life affordable. Instead, we have been abandoned by our elected officials unless we are members of the “one-percent,” the wealthiest people in America.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/14/2223438/-Ageism-Is-Out-Of-Control-In-The-Media?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web



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