The Old Man of the Senate Ignores the Law and Confuses His Crimes with Trump’s

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Moscow Mitch McConnell: three words which aptly describe the old man of the senate and where his loyalties have been over the last 39 years. He will be remembered as a self-serving failure who refused to do the right thing for the people of Kentucky and the United States of America.

His only “accomplishment” of significance was taking unconstitutional action to stack the Supreme Court for the sole purpose of strengthening the agenda of right-wing extremists. In direct opposition to the intent of our Founding Fathers, the Court is now politicized by a margin of 6-3.

The primary reason this destructive situation exists is the fact that the Supreme Court is above the law, and the foundation for this irrefutable fact is lifetime appointments with no recourse available to the American people.


President Biden stated a plan to force term limits on Supreme Court justices in response to two dangerous and unconstitutional decisions by today’s biased Court. Naturally, the man who intentionally stacked the Court to overturn Roe v Wade is objecting to this logical plan. The truth is, history reveals the reason why our government is dysfunctional, and that reason is not placed term limits on all three branches in 1789.

Without a valid reason, Moscow Mitch is comparing President Biden’s plan to Trump’s insurrection on January 6, 2021.

It is true that Moscow Mitch was aware of one fact: most of the major issues facing America today will eventually be decided by the Court. By stacking the Court, he has insured favoritism for right-wing extremists for decades to come. Doing the right thing for his country has never been Moscow Mitch’s forte.


The connections between Trump’s 2016 campaign organization, his administration, and Vladimir Putin are numerous. A senate committee confirmed in 2022 that meetings were held multiple times between Trump’s “people,” and Russian agents. This confirmed collusion to rig the election in the orange buffoon’s favor.

In August, Trump’s campaign was nearly broke, and in a downward spiral, produced another direct connection to Russia. Cancun Ted Cruz ended his campaign at the end of July in 2016. The man who financed his campaign, billionaire Robert Mercer, moved his money, Steve Bannon, and Kellyanne Conway into Trump’s camp.

Mercer has known associations with multiple Russian oligarchs.

Trump’s White House staff, had many links to Russia. His first Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, was a close personal and business associate of Vladimir Putin’s, without a single qualification to hold the position he was given. Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce, had previously been the top man in the Bank of Cypris, which is owned by Vladimir Putin.

In October of 2016 it was confirmed by all of our nation’s security agencies that Putin was interfering in our election in support of Trump. After the election, bills were introduced to place sanctions on Russia, and to fund states with the tools to prevent a reoccurrence of another rigged election. Moscow Mitch refused to bring either measure to a vote on the senate floor.

Numerous allegations have been made about Moscow Mitch accepting campaign contributions from Russian oligarchs. Quid pro quo?


In 2016, Trump claimed that he had never met Putin. However, in 1987, the KGB invited Trump and first wife Ivana to visit Moscow; they accepted.

In 2013, Trump took the Miss Universe Pageant to Moscow. Former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele wrote a dossier about his trip, which included details about meetings between Trump and Putin. This document has never been disproven.

A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin, our nation’s biggest enemy. The last hope for justice in America, the Supreme Court of the United States, must be saved, and that requires change.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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