Proof the SCOTUS is Overstepping Its Responsibilities.
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
I am not overstating this fact: The Supreme of Court of the United States is corrupt. Six of the Justices have no interest in the Constitution. They support the agenda of the American Fascist Party in 2024.
The End of The Rule of Law
Their most egregious actions involve the repeal of Roe v Wade on June 24, 2022, and its refusal this month to support section three of the Fourteenth Amendment which would have prevented Trump from being on the ballot on 2024.
What this means is the Constitution is null and void. America is now a land without the rule of law.
The End of a Respected Supreme Court
Until 2020, when Moscow Mitch broke his own rule and confirmed a religious extremist for the Supreme Court with just weeks left before the general election, I relied on the Supreme Court to save our nation from Trump’s efforts to end democracy and replace it with a fascist regime. He would become America’s Fuhrer.
However, the Court has become as corrupt as the other two branches of our dysfunctional government.
The NRA Owns the SCOTUS
The latest travesty by the Supreme Court involves the unconstitutional NRA gun lobby and private business.
It is no secret that the most corrupt lobby in history, the NRA, has owned all right-wing politicians for decades. Today this also apples to six of the nine Supreme Court Justices who clearly support the extremist agenda of Donald Trump. Although our founding fathers believed that the Court should remain apolitical, in the 21st century conservatives control every decision made by the nine men and women who no longer have the respect of anyone involved in the reporting of politics in America.
The 14th Amendment Prevents Trump from, Running for Office
Trump planned, organized, and executed the insurrection on January 6. If the Constitution remains the Law of the Land, he is forbidden from running for any political office for the remainder of his lifetime. His violation of the oath of office forbids him from becoming our president or holding any office for the remainder of his life.
However, the Supreme Court declared the Fourteenth Amendment invalid.
America is over. Our government no longer supports the oaths they took. They believe in a fascist government with Trump as their Fuhrer.
Will the Supreme Court Force Businesses to Pay for the NRA’s Treasonous Actions?
The Court is not obligated to hear any case it deems unreasonable.
However, it will hear a case involving a New York City official who suggested that banking institutions and insurance companies remove their support of the NRA, based on the increase of acts of domestic terrorism.
Shouldn’t companies be allowed to decide which organization they choose to partner with in business. If the Court intervenes, this is another Hitleresque involvement in America’s future.
Our government is divided between those on the left side of the aisle who support democracy, and those on the right who prefer a fascist America led by a dictator.
Your choice: live with it.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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