Is it Possible that “Little Marco” Could be the Worst Vice-President Since Dan Quayle?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

For the most part, the laziest Senator in Washington, Marco Rubio, has remained out of the public eye since he was crushed in the “debates” by Trump in 2016. However, like most “Republicans,” he is desperate to remain identifiable to right-wing voters. He is literally begging Trump to select him as his running mate. Maybe he wants to know what it feels like to be hung from a rope before the television cameras.

Rubio created a reputation for himself in the Senate. He missed more votes than any other member in his first term, earning him the deserved reputation of “lazy.”

Maybe Vice-President is the perfect job for Rubio. Most of the men who were second in line for the presidency did nothing or importance, and were nearly forgotten by the American people unless they did something which resulted in ridicule. You might remember Dan Quayle correcting a young man who had spelled potato correctly, but Quayle corrected him, adding an “e”. Then there was Mike Pence who constantly embarrassed himself several times a week with his effusive and undeserved praise of his idiot president. Rubio could do that.


Rubio was one of the first members of the TEA Party to invade the Republican Party in 2010. It was obvious that he lacked any legitimate qualification to be a United States Senator, but the Koch Brothers bought him the Florida election.

He was joined by another member of the extremist TEA Party, Ted Cruz, in 2012. Once again billionaires bought him a victory in Texas. Since 2013, they have become two of the biggest obstructionists in Washinton, refusing to work with Democrats or moderate Republicans. They are two of the reasons why our government has become totally dysfunctional.

The fact is no one can predict who Trump will select as his running mate. Trump is not logical. The only thing we know for certain is that that man, (I doubt he is considering a woman), will be required to pledge absolute loyalty, even if it would result in time spent in a federal prison.


Trump hates Latinos, and anyone with any knowledge about Trump knows this as fact. Rebio is strong on Latino policy, and could gain Trump a percentage of uninformed Mexicans, South Americans, and Cubans.

I cannot think of anyone else who could gain votes for the worst president in history. His only Black man on the list is Tim Scott. However, Scott has proven time and time again that he is a white man in “black face.” He is a traitor to Black men and women everywhere.


Trump’s supporters are loyal to Trump, and no one else. They are committed. Will his choice for VP make a difference? I doubt it. No one on the right side of the aisle has the charisma or credibility to assist Trump in his effort to win the presidency and pardon himself for his many, many crimes against the American people.

Every presidential election should be about the woman or man who is most qualified to represent all 330+ million Americans for the next four years. Trump fails to possess a single qualification, and should not be on the ballot.

Save America: refuse to vote for a party and select the person whose policies are closest to your own.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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