The Big Flaw in the Democratic Party
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
If we look at the progressive agenda of the Democratic
Party, and how Democratic and Independent voters respond, it seems impossible
for right-wing politicians to be victorious in any pollical race of importance.
However, there is one big flaw within the Democratic Party;
a flaw which is non-existent among those calling themselves “Republicans.”
In 1981, weeks before the inauguration of our 40th
President, Ronald Reagan, private meetings within the Republican Party
discussed the agenda of their new party’s leader.
President-elect Reagan’s first priority was “unification.”
He demanded that all members of his party serving in Washington and in state’s
legislatures support his agenda without exception. I don’t need to inform you
that this continues today.
After Trump’s illegitimate inauguration in 2017, 100 percent
of all Republicans capitulated to Trump and his unconstitutional agenda,
surrendering their principles, morals, and right to think freely. On that sad
day, in support of a man denounced by most real Republicans, every man and
woman who were once proud to be members of the Grand Old Party, chose to be
hypocrites and support the worst illegitimate president, and worst man in the
This unity is the only reason why Trump will receive this
party’s nomination this week as their candidate for the third general election
in a row. If the truth is told, and I’m telling it, Trump is a loser. He lost the
popular vote in 2016, and would have lost the Electoral College vote without
the interference of Vladimir Putin. Our government has colluded with the mainstream
media to hide some of the evidence, preventing the voting public from knowing
that Putin’s interference was the difference. He was badly beaten again in
2020. Trump should lose again in November.
In what is good for their integrity and self-respect,
Democrats often openly disagree with each other. However, this is a bad idea
when elections draw near.
“I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a
Democrat.” Will Rogers
If Democrats displayed unity during election years, they
would likely win between 60 and 70 percent of all elections, and 99-100 percent
of presidential contests.
Everyone who can read knows about the conflict within the
Democratic Party right now. Some are calling for President Biden to resign from
his reelection campaign and others continue to support him based on his
Most of you know that I have been conflicted. I admire the
President and have equal admiration and respect for Vice-President Kamala
Harris. However, what I do know is if I were a politician, I would attempt to
keep the discussions private. Republicans are well-versed in secrecy, while
Democrats refuse to ignore questions from the press.
Another situation which has not been on page one involves a
member of the House who might be the most popular Democrat in Washington today.
There is an organization called “Democratic Socialists of
America, DSA. It wouldn’t surprise you to know that Bernie Sanders, and
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were members of this group. I say “were” because the
national association recently removed their support for AOC, although her
popularity is far greater than any other Democrat in America.
I believe that the reason for abandoning her is foolish and
un-American. Jamaal Bowman was a candidate for the House of Representatives.
The district he would represent was very diverse. He indicated his support for
the Palestinian people as the war in Gaza rages on. He lost the election,
although he received the full support of AOC.
However, this is typical of both parties. Winning elections
is more important than the rights of free thought and opinions. Politics is the
ugliest profession in the world.
You would never see this situation happening within the
Republican Party. It may exist, but the people will never know.
An important quality on the Democratic side is the exchange
of ideas. All good and even great things come from free thought, and offering those
thoughts to others. Learning from others is a sign of intelligence, and that
can never exist on the Republican side.
Today’s Republicans in name only do whatever Trump tells
them to do. Recently a bipartisan agreement on border security was achieved.
However, Trump ordered Republicans to void the agreement, and they obeyed.
I am not a member of either party.However I agree with the
policies and courage of Democrats to continue their independence. This is why
their platform serves the majority, and rejects the demands of special interests.
Sadly, they will never win as many elections as they should.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my novels on Amazon
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