Carlson’s Interview of Vladimir Putin Indicates More Interference in our 2024 Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

There is no question, no doubt, that Tucker Calson is one of Trump’s biggest supporters, and therefore a traitor to the United States of America. No one can deny that Vladimir Putin is America’s greatest enemy, and the greatest danger to world peace in the 21st century. These facts did not prevent Carlson from traveling to Moscow and conducting an interview with the fascist dictator.

Carlson began his report by claiming that the mainstream media has constantly refused to seek an interview with Putin, unwilling to hear his side of the story about the invasion of Ukraine. However, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who presumably helped arrange the whole strange venture, revealed that this was just another of Carlson’s many, many lies, designed to mislead the uninformed.

“Mr. Carlson is wrong,” Peskov said during his daily briefing for reporters. “We receive many requests for interviews with the president.”

And this was just the beginning for the disgraced former FOX personality. Peskov said that requests from “western media” were intentionally blocked, but Carlson’s was “different.” Real Americans are well aware that Carlson, Pirro, Hannity, and Ingraham are pro-Russia and anti-America. These fake journalists support Trump and it is common knowledge that Trump is a Russian agent, and has been for about 37 years.

Although the Russian news agencies and Carlson will attempt to lie and misdirect the American people about why the disgraced reporter was allowed an interview, the truth is clear: Putin is planning to interfere in our 2024 election as he did in 2016 and 2020.

“Carlson is smart and his agenda is clear. He and Putin will work together brilliantly to reinforce the false narrative about Ukraine, weaken Biden, and strengthen Trump,” Janis Kluge, a Berlin-based Russia analyst, wrote about the likely U.S. presidential rematch. “This co-production of theirs may be the most effective and toxic propaganda clip yet created.”

For those of you who are not political junkies, you must know that Putin’s entire life has been an effort to destroy the United States of America. He was open about this fact in 1987 when he was a high-ranking officer of the KGB. He and his fellow KGB leaders invited Trump and then wife, Ivana, to Moscow. Trump accepted the invitation and most certainly became acquainted with the man who would advance and become the supreme dictator of the Russian nation.

Although you will never hear the truth from the mainstream media, the facts are clear. Our country in engaged in a Second Civil War. The winner will be decided on November 5, 2024. You have one clear choice. Will you choose to be a slave to a fascist regime with Trump as its autocrat, or will you protect the Constitution and our democratic government?

Op-ed by James Turnage

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