I Don’t Trust Trump or Putin Which Made Me Think “Outside the Box”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Trump and Putin have a lot in common. Both men are egomaniacs and care nothing for anyone but themselves. Both are power mad and believe that money is the only “god” that matters. I believe that Trump’s big lie and the invasion of Ukraine by his handler are tied together.  

Putin is Willing to Lose Millions 

Putin doesn’t care how many men he has lost over the last two years. He never loses sight of his ultimate goal. This involves Trump, and it began 37 years ago in Moscow when Trump took his first trip to the Russian Capital. 

Which makes me ask a serious question: “how big are the numbers of Russian soldiers lost in Ukraine.” 

The estimate is 87 percent of Putin’s original invading army have been lost. [“Russia has lost 315,000 on the battlefield, according to the assessment. 2,200 of 3,500 tanks have been lost, according to the assessment. 4,400 of 13,600 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers have also been destroyed, a 32 percent loss rate.”] 

This Means Nothing to Putin: They Were Unimportant to Him 

Putin doesn’t care. This costly invasion is a mere distraction. His ambition to destroy the United States remains priority number one, and that involves helping Trump win in November. 

If Trump wins, our nation’s Second Civil War will become bloody. It is highly possible that our nation will be destroyed, regardless of who is victorious. Trump will end the NATO Alliance and a Third World War will become a reality before Trump takes the oath of office. The world as we know it will end with a “big bang,” and anyone who is left will suffer a worse fate than the millions who will die.  

From My Russian Friend 

My wife and I have friends who live across the street. Olga is Russian, but is now a citizen of the United States. She lived most of her life in rural Russia, and no one knows Putin better than she. She says that “Putin doesn’t care that his people suffer.” Another thing the dictator and his wannabe dictator protege have in common. 

Hitler Was a Pussycat in comparison. 

If I’m making this sound worse than what happened in Europe and Asia in the 1940’s, I’m very pleased. Two men, one a lifelong leader of the second most powerful country in the world, and the other an addle-brained leader of the most powerful, have joined together to take control of the world or destroy it in the process. They really don’t care because they are insane. The only difference is that Putin has at least “half-a-brain.” 

Is the World Worth Saving? 

I read a lot every day. Most of what I read is so depressing I have difficulty finishing the story.  

World leaders have become more tyrannical. It appears that civilization is reverting to the way it was in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries.

Will the Experiment Fail? 

In 1776 the United States became “the great experiment.” Could a nation exist where the will of the people became the prime reason for its existence? Could the people be trusted to choose their leaders? Could human rights and individual freedom become as important as the rights of the majority when applied based on individual situations? These questions remain unanswered.  

One thing I do know: if fascism replaces democracy in America, we will never know the answer to these questions. Now that our nation is forced to accept a corrupt and prejudiced Supreme Court, there is little chance that America will survive for another 247 years. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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