Is it a Possibility that America Could Elect a Mentally Challenged, Career Criminal and Sexual Deviate as Their President?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a traitor, and cannot be considered an American. Is there any possibility that a career criminal, sexual predator, and a failure at everything he has attempted without the aid of foreign nations could become the 47th President of the United States? With assistance from Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media, it happened once.

Think about this carefully. The leading candidate from the right, according to polls, is the worst man in America. Can you honestly tell me that the men and women who call themselves “Republicans” embrace the principles and morals of the Party of Lincoln? What the f**k is happening to my country?

I believe that the American people are at fault, and what happens to them in the next few years is what they deserve. I will continue to cherish my right to be treated equally under the law, and my freedom to think and say what I believe. I believe in America and its promise. I will not become a puppet for the rich and powerful.

Fascism is not coming to the United States, it’s here. One entire political party has moved so far to the right it has abandoned democracy completely, and shredded the Constitution. Our nation left capitalism behind several years ago and has become a plutocracy. The truth is that a plutocracy cannot exist for long if not supported by a fascist regime.

Between 2017 and 2021 the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America defiled our White House. Just days ago a loyal member of his party was crowned Speaker of the House. If Trump’s crimes and lack of morals fail to keep him from reelection and he becomes our 47th president, fascists will be in control of all three branches of our government, and America will become nothing but a memory. The ultimate truth is that our country will be under the control of Vladimir Putin, and our nation’s plutocrats, comparable to the oligarchs in Russia.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My nine novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle



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