Two Very Different Stories, Both Involving Workers in the World of Food

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

I wanted to inform you about both of these stories. Although they are literally worlds apart, and one involves worker’s needs and rights, and the other a tragedy involving humanitarian efforts in Gaza, both will make you think about our world in the 21ST century. 

Netanyahu’s Autocratic Israel 

If you have read me over the years, you know that I believe Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is at the core of the discord in the Middle East. 

For years he has refused to meet with Palestinian leadership in good faith. By his own actions he has refused to discuss a solution which would create a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinian people. 

Most men and women who are experts related to the history of the Middle East, believe that the only road to peace is a “two state solution.” However, Netanyahu rejects any possibility of the situation ever happening. 

One Unforgivable Attack Results in Another 

On October 7, 2023, the terrorist organization, Hamas, kidnapped an additional 130 Israeli citizens, making the number of hostages 134. 

This travesty is undeniably one of the most heinous crimes committed against innocent Israelis in history. However, an equally horrific attack on the Palestinian people living in Gaza began and the loss of human life has become unreasonable and unforgivable. 

The World Central Kitchen, WCK, founded by Chef Jose Andres, has been working in Gaza, offering some relief for thousands of men, women, and children harmed by the attacks from the Israeli war machine, partly funded by the United States. 

On Monday, it was reported that an Israeli missile struck the area where the WCK was working, killing seven members of their team. 

The Israeli army had received the exact coordinates where aid was underway. Why this happened has not been confirmed. I have no doubt they will be labeled as “collateral damage.” 

In General, Fast Food Workers are Woefully Underpaid 

When our nation’s government allowed the majority of country’s manufacturing industries to leave our shores and reestablish their businesses in foreign nations, for many Americans the only jobs avaialable were in this low paying industry. 

California Once Again Takes the Lead 

Recently, California’s legislature passed a law requiring the fast-food industry to pay its employees a minimum wage of $20 per hour.  

Most of you know that the cost of living in California is surpassed only by New York City, varying between the five boroughs. 

However, one McDonald’s franchise owner is outraged. She complains about how much this hurts “family businesses” like hers. 

Here are a few statistics to help you understand how unfair it is for the workers in these franchises.  

[The franchise fee for a McDonald's franchise is $45,000. A minimum of $500,000 liquid capital is required. 

A total average investment of $1,345,000 dollars is required. 

The average McDonald's franchise has an annual profit of $185,000 a year. 

The average franchisee owns 8 McDonald's locations, or a total profit of $1,480,000 a year.] 

This appears to be another wealthy American screaming “poverty” because their profits will suffer a small decrease. 

Today’s “American Lifestyle” is only available to the wealthy. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle 

“The Truth Lives Here” 


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