Harry Truman: One of the Worst Presidents and Greatest Mass Murderers in History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
As of today, June 24, 2023, the United States of America remains the only nation to use nuclear power to murder tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. 

[Hiroshima: 70,000–126,000 civilians killed 20,000 soldiers killed 12 Allied prisoners of war Nagasaki: 60,000–80,000 killed (within 4 months) 150+ soldiers killed 8–13 Allied prisoners of war Total killed: 129,000–226,000.]

Governments declare and create wars. The military executes these tragedies. Regardless of the nation or the situation, innocent civilians are always victims of their governments, offering their lives and their quality of life for those who are designated to serving our nation, while our elected officials frequently profit from the carnage.

In the 1980’s our political and corrupt government created one national holiday in February and declared it “President’s Day.” This was a self-serving and terrible decision. Prior to this mistake, we, as a nation, celebrated Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on February 12th, and George Washington’s on February 22nd. Most of our nation’s presidents are undeserving of our praise. Some were worse than others, but the truth is that few are worthy of a national celebration.

Throughout history very few leaders were concerned with the majority of their nation’s people. Their ambitions were to secure great power and wealth at the expense of the masses. As a young nation, only 247 years old, America has proven that our leaders must be ranked among the worst of all time. 

On June 6, 1944, an event known as “D-Day” signaled the end of the war in Europe. By the end of 1944, our military leaders confirmed that the war against Japan in the Pacific would soon be victorious and come to an end. However, the “Manhattan Project,” which had become a reality beginning in August of 1942, was considered as a solution to the end of WWII remained a consideration for our nation’s president and its military leaders. Facts prove that the use of these supreme weapons of mass destruction were not necessary.

Most political writers consider Truman to be one of our nation’s better presidents. However, they fail to consider his lack of morality and principles. Not only was he steadfast in his approval of actions resulting in the lives of tens of thousands of Asians, he was a white supremacist. These facts prove that he was far from a great president.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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