How Quickly the Supreme Court Became an Embarrassment for our Founding Fathers


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Prior to Moscow Mitch McConnell’s election to the Senate in 1984, the Supreme Court was the only respected branch of our nation’s government. As he gained power, eventually as the Senate Majority Leader, the Court became less respected by informed Americans. He forced the confirmation of at lest six justices who were unfit for office. Their only qualifications were they loyalty to his personal agenda.

In 1986 Antonin Scalia was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. He became known as a right wing extremist who supported big business until his death in 2016. In 1991 Clarence Thomas became the most controversial Justice in history, and is under investigation today. In 2006 Samuel Alito joined his fellow extremists and continues to be known as “an enemy of the American people.” The current Chief Justice, John Roberts received a seat on the bench in 2005, and has surrendered his principles to the other five extremists on the Court in 2023.

The greatest tragedy in America’s 247-year history was the illegitimate election of Donald Trump in 2016. Influenced by Moscow Mitch and the Federalist Society, he nominated the three least qualified and extreme justices in history: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Comey Barrett. These three biased justices would never have been confirmed if Moscow Mitch would have conducted fair trials after Trump was impeached twice for violating the code of ethics and the Constitution.

Since 1981, the Court joined other members of the “Republican” Party in achieving certain goals which oppose the very core of the Constitution. Their primary focus was overturning a decision by a respected Court in 1973 known as Roe v Wade. This decision protected a woman’s right to make decisions about her reproductive system which affected the future of both her physical and mental health. On June 24, 2022, the most extreme and biased Court in history removed this basic human right, and ended forever any respect it had received over the previous 70 years. This date is now included in the list of our nation’s darkest days when individual freedom became the focus of attack by one entire political party.

With the destruction of the SCOTUS, the government of the United States has become completely dysfunctional and irreparable. Our nation is over unless extreme changes are made within a very short period of time. Our Founding Fathers made many mistakes and the most critical was not placing controls on our government. Term limits for all three branches should have been included in the original draft of the Constitution. In 2023 our nation’s leaders are the most incompetent and corrupt in the world.  

The reality is simple: trust no one in power and no one who is wealthy beyond imagination. This is their country, not ours in the 21st century.

However, we can make America great. We have the power. Our votes can place competent and loyal Americans in Washington while removing the traitors experiencing lives of luxury and privilege today.

Think about this. Remove your prejudices and be honest. What would our nation, the world, be like today if our country’s politicians had done the right thing and exposed the fact that Putin was interfering in our election prior to November 8, 2016, and Hillary Clinton had become our president. Our nation would be more united, and the lives of all Americans would be far better than they are today. Her experience and love of country would have resulted in her doing the right thing in the most critical and important situations. Trump would never have had the opportunity to commit treason and our country would not be a nation without laws today.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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