Politics: “The Ugliest, Self-Centered, and Corrupt Profession in the World”


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


In 1951 I was five years old. My family was living in Lewiston, Idaho, where I was born. My memories of family gatherings are clear. My mother’s family was large. My maternal grandparents had twelve children. The first two died when they were young, the other ten grew into adulthood.

Attending these family gatherings were nine of the ten, my Uncle Leonard lost his life in WWII. Three of my uncles served and survived. I enjoyed listening to them. I’m sure my family was no different than any other, the conversation often turned to politics.

Their opinions were seldom favorable. They believed that our government failed to do enough for our nation’s people. President Truman was about to enter his final year in office, and many of the men in both parties were scrambling for reelection.

Move ahead to 1956. Former WWII General, Dwight D. Eisenhower had been elected as our President in 1952, one of last two legitimate Republican Presidents, and I decided to watch his reelection convention in the summer of my tenth year.

I was fascinated, and of course a little confused. However, this began my interest in the events which happened in Washington, D.C.

Here I am, 67 years later. I can sum up what I have seen and learned this way. Professional politicians are members of the worst and least trustworthy profession in the world. With each new congress our leaders have become more corrupt and incompetent. With every passing year, a greater number of our public servants have chosen self-interests to be more important than serving all 330 million people.

I know that very few men and women read my rants. I wish they would because I always keep my promise that “the truth lives here.” I wrote for two newspapers, and several professional blogs, but ended my association when control of my articles was removed, What I have to say was placed in areas where no one would find them. However, I cannot cease offering the truth to the American people.

My articles come from research and experience, and at the age of 77 I have far more experience than most writers.

Taking up space in Washington today are men and women who are totally unfit to hold public office at any level. Over 247 years, our government has become a joke, and a bad joke according to the facts. On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court surrendered its morals and principles and is now in the control of one political party, ending the intentions of our Founding Fathers.

One of my chosen professions was as a cosmetologist. I had a number of high school students as clients, and when they were ready to attend college, I talked to them about what their majors might be. I told them that if all they were concerned about was income, they had limited choices. These included a life of crime, a television evangelist, or a politician. Nothing has changed.

I cringe when I see statements made by traitors to our country are published by the mainstream media. The fact that scum with the names Trump, McConnell, McCarthy, Jordan, Gaetz, Cruz, Hawley, Greene, Boebert, Tuberville, and others are allowed to make efforts to divide and destroy our nation. These are the worst of the worst and anyone who voted for them cannot call themselves “American.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my nine novels here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true




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