The Ten Worst States in America
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
There are multiple considerations for rating the best and
worst states in America. A recent examination revealed the ten worst states in
our nation based on employment combined with quality of life. Each of the ten
worst have one thing in common, they are governed by right-wing extremists and
governors who support them.
I won’t keep you guessing, here is the list from very bad to
They are Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri,
tied are Alabama and South Carolina, nest are Louisiana, Oklahoma, and no
surprise, Texas is “proudly” number one.
It should not surprise anyone that Florida stands at number
10 on the list. Ron DeSantis is undoubtedly the worst governor in the history
of the United States. He continues to establish fascist policies which directly
violate the Constitution. His war against Disney has resulted in thousands of
lost jobs in the Sunshine State. If you are Black, a woman, a member of the
LGBTQ community, or non-Christian, you are not welcome under the rule of Ron
“the Fascist” DeSantis.
Number nine is also understandable. Arkansas has a huge
illegal drug problem and leads the nation in violent crime per capita. Its
Republican dominated government has passed strict anti-abortion laws removing
every woman’s Constitutional right to care for her own physical and mental
health. It continues to attack the voting rights of all its Black residents. Once
again, only pure white “Christians” are welcome in Arkansas.
Tennessee is led by Governor Bill Lee. He continues to
emulate DeSantis, following his belief in white supremacy, homophobia,
misogyny, xenophobia, and his disdain for the Constitution. His policies are a
major part of why Tennessee is the 10th poorest state in the Union. I
don’t quite understand why this dark red state is not nearer the top of the
Indiana is not in the “deep south,” but it is one of the
most extremist in the land. Trump’s Vice-President, Mike Pence, is the former
governor of this 7th ranked state. Indiana is where huge battles
were begun for human rights. Its leaders
are composed of homophobes and those who refuse to support the First Amendment
of the Constitution.
Firmly seated in 6th place is Missouri.
Immediately after a biased and bigoted Supreme Court overturned a 49-year-old
decision by a legitimate Court, Missouri was one of the first to pass a “trigger
law.” No abortions are allowed unless the loss of life is imminent, and
confirmed by a qualified physician. Missouri is another red state whose crime
rate continues to escalate.
Two states are tied for fourth place.
Alabama has always been a bright red state. Its state
government is well-known for its support of white supremacy and the philosophy
of our nation’s Neo-Nazis. It is one of the unhealthiest states in America. Its
rate of premature deaths is one of the highest in the nation and its voter
suppression laws are a model for other red states.
Lindsey Graham’s state of South Carolina is tied with
Alabama for some of the same reasons. It has one of the highest rates of
situations which create unhealthy and dangerous conditions at home and work. It
has one of the highest numbers of occupational deaths. Most laws protecting
workers have been removed. South Carolina’s rate of violent crime is one of the
highest in the country.
In third place is a state who continues to hold a “high” place
in the ranks of government corruption, Louisiana. It only takes a minute to
look at the record of one of the worst Senators in history to understand this
fact, John Kennedy. With a population of 4.6 million people, there are only 76
childcare facilities in the state. Louisiana is known as one of our nation’s states
with the worst quality of life.
Trump’s former appointee to lead the Environmental
Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, is a perfect example of why Oklahoma is number
two on this list. As the state’s Attorney General, he singlehandedly attempted
to violate every environmental regulation established over the last 50-60 years
while stuffing his pockets with money from big oil. He continued his policies
in Washington.
Oklahoma also has one of the nation’s highest rates of drug
abuse, and the lowest number of insured men, women, and children, is also brags
about one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country.
I’m sure that many of you guessed it: Texas holds the number
one position and America’s most undesirable state. Much of this is the result
of the second worst governor in our nation, Greg Abbott. The fact that Texas
has the lowest number of primary healthcare physicians contributes to its
reputation as having the least effective healthcare system in the nation. Its
Republican legislature continues to pass laws focusing on removing the human
rights of the LGBTQ community, suppressing the voting rights of minorities, and
preventing women from making decisions about their Constitutionally guaranteed
rights related to reproduction.
None of this was a surprise. Red states are known for abject
poverty, and their attacks on the Constitution and simply basic human rights
remain their government’s primary focus. I’m just glad I don’t live in any of
them, now would I ever choose to.
Op-ed by James Turnage
My nine novels:
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