If You Feel a Loss of Mental Acuity, You Must be Watching Television News
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
When I was much younger, I was an admirer
of Edward R. Murrow, John Chancellor, Walter Cronkite, and other men who were
respected and honest reporters. These men were legitimate journalists who
offered the facts without inuendo, without personal opinion, or any intent
related to financial gain. Today’s pretend journalists are paid millions of
dollars and are required to report what television executives instruct them to
tell their viewers. Like Fox News, all network broadcasts are more concerned
about advertising revenue than the truth.
I followed the 2016 campaign with a combination
of fascination and fear. After the most disgusting and embarrassing primary
season in history, our country was left with two options.
Hillary Clinton was undeniably the most
qualified presidential candidate in history. She remains a lifelong public
servant who will be remembered by historians as a woman who worked to improve
the lives of all Americans.
Her opponent, Donald Trump, was a failed
businessman known more for his controversial business practices and alleged
sexual misconduct. His accomplishments were zero, having used other people’s
money to live the life of a pretend billionaire. He will be remembered as a
complete failure as the worst president in history who led a life of crime and
tried to overturn his own government.
The campaign season was more revolting than
the primaries. Lies and baseless personal attacks filled television screens
across America. Ms. Clinton led in the polls consistently.
However, our government was aware of one
fact which altered the results and prevented the voting public from knowing the
In October, prior to November 8, 2016, a
meeting was held in the Oval Office between the leaders of both parties. Moscow
Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi, joined President
Obama, Vice-President Biden and the heads of our national security agencies.
The subject was a confirmation of efforts by Russian President Vladimir Putin
to interfere in the upcoming election in favor of Donald Trump. They made a
decision which continues to confound and frighten me seven years later. They agreed
to keep the information a secret. Once again, our government considered
themselves more important than the American people’s right to know the truth.
It also proved to be the cause for a division in our nation which can never be
repaired. Trump succeeded in bringing an end to the once Grand Old Party, and nearly
brought an end to the United States of America.
The media refused to report the facts. Apparently,
they believe that money is more important than the people of our country. All
men and women who claim to be journalists today care about in the 21st
century are their personal ambitions.
They have the means to know everything
which happens in America but refuse to offer their viewers the complete truth.
They have protected Trump since 2015 and continue to give him airtime. This is
trash journalism and the reason the fourth estate no longer exists.
There is one sad fact which greatly
disturbs this 77-year-old man. None of this can be repaired. Money is more
important to our nation’s millionaires and billionaires than the future of an
entire nation. That will never change. We have moved on from a capitalist
society and become a plutocracy.
21,951,000 people in the U.S. have a net
worth of $1 million or more. There are currently 724 billionaires, a number
which increased over the pandemic. This small number of American citizens control
the future of all 330 million people.
The men and women who offer the “news of
the day” are all members of the millionaire’s club. Think about it.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my nine novels here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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