In 2023 We Have “The United States of Corruption”
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
There is no government in the world of developed nations
more corrupt than the one occupying seats in the Capitol Building of the United
States of America. They are the primary reason why I am ashamed to be an
American citizen in the 21st century.
Let me tell you a story. There was a man born in Brooklyn on
June 14, 1946. He was the son of a moderately wealthy family which according to
other family members offered little more than food and lodging for their new
addition. It was not a home filled with love and support.
In 1959, at the age of 13, the young man was removed from aloveless
home and placed in a military-style boarding school. There was nothing
remarkable about him, he was nothing more than another castoff from a wealthy
family who chose to have someone else raise their child.
After his tenure was complete, he was accepted by Fordham
University. His father, a New York businessman, found this less than adequate,
paid for a deferment allowing him to avoid military service in Vietnam, and
somehow acquired space for the young man at the university of Pennsylvania’s
Wharton Business College. Although his college transcripts, and those from
military school have been sealed, it is widely known that he was a poor student
when he chose to attend classes.
After his father purchased a diploma in economics from
Wharton, he joined his father in what was reported as a successful real estate
venture. Fred owned hotels and apartment buildings available for rent. However,
Black Americans ‘need not apply.’ The Trump Klan proved to the world that they
supported racism, believing pure whites to be superior to all others.
A short time later, the man sought the creation of his own
business empire. Father Fred gifted him approximately $413 million, although
son Donald continues to lie, claiming that he “built an empire from one-million
dollars.” The truth is that in just months this enormous sum was lost. There
were stories within New York’s business community that he had begun his life of
crime, bribing public officials and engaging in tax evasion.
In 1999, and struggling to keep his failing real estate
business alive, he received assistance from the Saudi Royal Family. They
invested hundreds of millions of dollars in New York real estate allowing this
man to continue his façade as a successful billionaire.
His life of failures and crime continued. He enjoyed his
life as a buffoon who was a member of New York’s social elite. His “friends”
included members of the New Jersey mafia and the likes of Jeffrey Epstein. Then
came his biggest mistake.
After taking the Miss Universe Pageant to Moscow in 2013 Trump’s
life changed. A dossier compiled by former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele,
claimed that he met with Russian President, Vladimir Putin and a plan was begun
which would make this man the President of the United States of America.
In June of 2015, Donald John Trump declared his intention to
become America’s 45th president. This decision, with help from
Putin, James Comey, the mainstream media, and the leaders of both parties in
Washington who hid the facts from the voting public, placed him in the White
House, and ruined the life he previously enjoyed.
As of today, Trump holds the record as the most scurrilous and
infamous president in our nation’s 247-year history. While pretending to be
your president, he was impeached twice for cause, and spent four years shrouded
in controversy and investigation. Today, Trump is facing three felony
indictments and the state of Georgia is preparing a fourth.
His party continues to defend their leader, although it is
an undeniable fact that he is the greatest criminal in American history.
The government of the United States has a long history of
corruption and crime. However, not until 2017 did it become the worst
government in the free world and proved that it can no longer be repaired in
its current state.
100 percent of all those calling themselves “Republicans”
surrendered their dignity, principles, and morals while allowing Donald Trump
to violate the Constitution on a daily basis. If he had been reelected, Covid-19
would still be killing hundreds of Americans every day, and our people would be
serving a fascist dictator whose Neo-Nazi party would be bowing to his every
If you trust any professional politician, you are a fool. On
a list of the worst, disrespected professions, “politician” is undoubtedly number
one. They exist with the aid of lies and misdirection designed to confuse and
even brainwash the uninformed and uneducated.
Every two years the American people have an opportunity to choose
the men and women who are charged with representing us in Washington. The candidates
make promises they do not intend to keep. They pay for ads on television with
the goal of convincing the voting public that they will perform admirably as your
representative in our nation’s capital. These are nothing more than expensive
Trust must be earned, not given freely. Not a single
politician has earned our complete trust in the 21st century. They
don’t deserve the lives of luxury and privilege you have given them.
I leave you with a question: if they refuse to vote in favor
of legislation which would benefit you and those you love, why would you vote
for them?
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my nine novels here:
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