Which Nation Do You Believe Has the Worst Healthcare in the Free World?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
If you are like me and my wife, you are a member of one-half of our country’s population and fear many things which could place us heavily in debt and even homeless. At ages 77 and 73, we could face a medical emergency at any moment, not one of which we have sufficient income to pay for the exorbitant cost of caring for such a devastating situation.
Fact: medical care in the United States is the most costly and least effective in the free world. Only the wealthy can afford the best doctors and the best hospitals. The average cost of a single night’s stay in a hospital is ludicrous.
“Recent statistics show the price of a one-night hospital stay is around: $13,600 with Medicare; $9,800 with Medicaid; $10,900 with private insurance; and $9,300 without insurance.”
Millions of Americans remain without any healthcare. My wife and I have Medicare part "A,” but are unable to afford Medicare part “B.” No other nation in the world forces their senior citizens to pay for healthcare other than the United States.
Claiming that ours is “the greatest nation in the world” is laughable. Caring for the majority of our nation’s people is not on our government’s list of “things to do.” However, in 2017 Republicans gave millions of dollars in tax cuts to the super-rich. The following years huge corporations including Amazon and Walmart paid zero dollars in taxes. The Pentagon’s annual budget is nearing one-trillion dollars as Republicans push for more and more funding while refusing to work for the people. It’s important to note here that our military has lost every war since WWII. They continue to block an increase in the federal minimum wage, deny universal healthcare, reject efforts to provide affordable college education for everyone, and protect the outrageous cost of pharmaceuticals, allowing these huge companies to increase their profits while people die.
Another fact: America lies at the bottom of developed nations in terms of quality of life. A large part of this is because our government doesn’t care about human life. Profit before people is our nation’s current motto.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my nine novels here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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