Why Would our Government and our Military Leaders Say “F**k You When Our Soldiers Return Home?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
In my youth I was taught one lesson above all others, to
respect authority. In the 1950s this included my priest, the nuns, my mother,
our nation’s leaders, the military, law enforcement, and virtually anyone older
than I was. This may have been a reality in my youth, I’m not sure. However
today, at age 77, I know I was taught some lessons which were not entirely
First and foremost respect cannot be given freely, it must
be earned.
The 21st century is the communication age, where information
is instant, thanks to an array of communication satellites circling the earth,
the truth is exposed, and cannot always be hidden as it was in the past.
Therefore, nearly every individual or group on my previous list no longer has
my respect.
By the time I reached my junior year in high school I no
longer believed in religion. I learned that every faith-based organization is
founded on fairy tales, and religions were not founded by gods, but by mortal
men. I continue to believe in the First Amendment, especially freedom of or
from religion. However, I no longer trust religious leaders, and have respect
for only a few.
My mother passed away in 2001, and although we had our
differences, my respect for her will always exist. She more than earned it, she
set the example with her courage and grace.
I have absolutely no faith in anyone who occupies a seat in
our nation’s capital. The failures of the men and women elected to serve our
nation’s people are many. Today, our government is not only dysfunctional, it
is the most corrupt in the free world. I know that all governments are bad,
some are simply worse than others. Ours may be the worst.
As for law enforcement, and the judicial system in general,
I am aware today that there are two legal systems in America: one exists for
the rich and powerful, and another for the average citizen. Not only do I
disrespect those in authority over me, I have no faith in the entire system. Lady
Justice is not fair or balanced, and definitely not blind.
I am older than most people I know, and after a lifetime of introspection,
I do respect myself most of the time.
This leaves me with the leaders of our military.
I served in the United States Air Force for a short time,
until I was medically discharged. I admit today that I was pleased. After just
a few months I knew that military life was not for me. This was 1964/1965, and my
age group was facing the draft, forced to go to war halfway around the world
without a valid reason. My short six months in the USAF prevented me from being
drafted into the Army or Marines. It may have saved my life.
I freely admit that today I have no respect for our nation’s
military leaders. They not only waste billions of taxpayer dollars every year,
they eagerly seek new wars to justify their outrageous funding.
Not trusting the military brass is unrelated to my respect
and concern for our soldiers who fight our government’s wars, offering their
lives for those of us who are living our simple lives back home.
This is the basis for my distrust of the men and women who
lead our military. Although our government and the military brass eagerly send
our finest young men and women to war, when they return they are forgotten and
The most hideous offenses by our government were committed
during the wars we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our soldiers and their support
groups were deployed not just once, but as many as five times. They were forced
to return to the battlefield and face the horrors of war time and time again. This
inhumane policy resulted in mass numbers of men and women forced to deal with
PTSD, and other mental problems. Hundreds of young men and women suffer from
physical impairment, and will for the remainder of their lives.
Thousands of returning veterans have difficulties securing
suitable employment. Divorce, homelessness, alcoholism, and both prescription
and illegal drug abuse are all to common. Suicides are more likely among
veterans than any other group.
Statistics from the Office of Veterans Affairs show a rate
of suicides at 20 per day. This fact has never been reported by the mainstream
media, at the insistence of the Pentagon.
Finally, our military currently has a “backdoor draft.” Ads
created to influence enlistments and the tactics taught to recruiters, focus on
low-income men and women. With many of our nation’s better jobs now in foreign
lands, this is the only recourse for thousands of younger Americans.
Secrecy about our failed military began under the George W.
Bush Administration. He forbade the press from photographing caskets of our
soldiers returning from war zones. He feared losing reelection in 2004 if the
American people were aware of the tragedy resulting from his illegal wars.
In 2023 America is all about money and winning elections.
We, the people, have been left behind. Republicans are concerned about four
things only: profits of our largest corporations, tax breaks for the wealthy,
the support of the Christian Religious Right, and the continuation of
outrageous funding for the Pentagon. If you are not a part of these four, good
Op-ed by James Turnage
Sources: https://americanaddictioncenters.org/veterans/suicide-among-veterans
Find my nine novels here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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