Africa, Water, and Creativity
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
The most critical problem facing the people of Africa is something we all take for granted: water. Millions of people across the continent struggle to find fresh water for drinking and bathing. Most of the water available is so polluted, it is unfit to use in agricultural endeavors. A new idea may alleviate the problem.
A process called “direct potable reuse” has been successful. It turns sewage into safe drinking water.
The first nation to use this process effectively is Namibia. [Namibia is the driest country in Sub-Saharan Africa, and home to two of the world’s most ancient deserts, the Kalahari and the Namib. The capital, Windhoek, is sandwiched between them, 400 miles away from the nearest perennial river and more than 300 miles away from the coast. Water is in short supply.]
In America we have fallen in love with our wireless phones, cars which literally drive themselves, and the future of AI. The people of Namibia savor the basics of clean water. I sincerely doubt that you will hear or read about this incredible, life-saving process from the American media. This is good news; positive news; and not of any importance to what was once the respected “Fourth Estate.”
However, we, the people, understand more about the importance of basic issues to the people of the world. This process directly relates to saving lives. Nothing can be more important than this reality.
The American government is arrogant and ignorant at the same time. They will never offer the praise deserved by the government of Namibia. In the same situation, our leaders in Washington would battle over funding for a project which saves lives for years.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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