Hope for America Lies Within Younger Citizens


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Between 2017 and 2021 our nation moved backwards. During the same time period, the rest of developed nations moved forward in areas of social responsibility and quality of life. A recent survey revealed hope for our nation’s future, revealed by the values of millennials and generation ’Z,’ ages 18-38. The average age for all Americans is 38.2 and I trust that our nation’s youth will move America forward and force the changes we desperately need.

[The values that Americans view as important have shifted over the last two decades, as younger Americans place less significance on patriotism, religion and having children.] This according to the Voice of America News.

The truth is that old, white men, who have led our country for 247 years, have failed miserably. Even some of our founding fathers were incompetent as our nation’s leaders. The United States remains a young nation, and giving control of its future to old men who amassed enormous power without the application of term limits, has been a disaster. Wars, economic failures, the failure to unite our nation, placing profits before people, and many other failures have not gone unnoticed by informed Americans.

When younger Americans realize that voting is important, they will decide the outcome of all future elections. Between millennials and women, these two demographics can control every election throughout this millennia. This is a devastating fact which right-wing politicians fear. Other than Trump supporters no demographic is willing to support the once Grand Old Party in 2023.

The future of America is the future of younger Americans. Trump and I are 77 years old and our time is past. Not a single septuagenarian or octogenarian should lead this young country.

The problem is that while the rest of the world is changing, growing, and placing their nation’s people in priority number one, America is moving backwards. If we choose not to bravely move forward into the 21st century, our nation will not survive.

Our government has become the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. The needs and wishes of our nation’s people have been ignored at the expense of the super-rich and major corporations. In 21st century America, you are important, but only if you are among the wealthiest of our country’s citizens.

The ultimate power to change the direction of the United States lies within women and our youngest citizens. Only they can save the dreams of our Founding Fathers. The significance of the expressed values of younger Americans cannot be denied. Women have been ignored by our government for generations. They are no longer asking for equality, they are taking it. They are voting and running for office in record numbers.

It has been a matter of significance over the last two decades that although our nation’s government has failed its people, the people have moved forward. Like me and more than 70 million Americans, religion does not dominate our lives. These young men and women are less inclined to marry and have families. Most importantly, their loyalty to their country must be earned by our leaders in Washington. They are not ‘joiners,’ and that includes loyalty to a political party. I believe this is a very positive trend.

I have feared for my country since 1981. Ronald Reagan deceived me and millions of others during the 1980 campaign. He was not a president for the people, he served the wealthy and those who would become the Christian Religious Right. He hated the working class and believed that women were intended to serve men.

In 2001 I was justified in opposing the election of George W. Bush. He was not only unfit for office, he continued Reagan’s economic policy of trickle-down economics which led us into the great recession of 2008. His two illegal wars added to our economic wars and resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of lives: American and those of Iraqi citizens.

Several of our nation’s presidents might have been charged with war crimes by the International Court. If their desire to wage wars had been redirected into concern for the quality of life for their people, America would have become a great country. I continue to have hope that someday it will reach this goal. Somewhere out there is a young man or woman who will have the courage and determination to do the right thing and eliminate our country’s evils while leading us forward and retake our place as the world’s leader.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/usa_all-about-america_american-values-shifting-big-way/6175304.html

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