Republicans, What Are They Good For? Absolutely Nothin’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


On this day, 9-18-23, what are House Republicans doing? They are focusing on two things. First, they want to impeach President Biden, although there are no valid reasons. Second, they want to put thousands of American out of work by shutting down the government. I ask you, what good will these two actions accomplish for the American people? Who in the hell are these guys? Why are they in Washington?

Over the last 14 years the men and women who call themselves Republicans have earned the label of “the party of no.” It is true that they have accomplished nothing of value since the inauguration of President Barach Obama, but a more accurate label would be “the party without purpose.”

Today’s fake Republicans refuse to perform the jobs for which they were elected. The path they have chosen will destroy every positive accomplishment made by a real government over the last 60-70 years.

The most accurate name for the members of the once Grand Old Party of today is “buffoons.” They pretend to be members of congress, but in fact are employees of our nation’s plutocrats. They have no interest in improving the lives of 330 million people. Only their personal ambitions have importance.

There are two reasons Republicans want a government shutdown. First, they want to reduce social programs for the majority and give that money to the rich in the form of even more tax breaks. Second, they would have a legitimate excuse for doing nothing while collecting their $174,000+ salary. For some reason I fail to understand, they are considered “essential.”

For more than 40 years Republicans have lied to the American people and refused to keep their promises. However, Moscow Mitch McConnell did keep one. In 2009, after President Obama’s inauguration, he and then Speaker of the House, John Boehner, stood before the television cameras and promised “to do nothing until that man became a one-term president.” His party kept that promise for the next 14 years.

This was the only time in decades right-wing politicians told the truth.

Op-ed by James Turnage


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