A Mass Murderer not Charged for His Crimes

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Trump has been indicted four times which include 72 felony counts. He is clearly guilty of every allegation. However, he has not been charged for his most serious crime against the American people. He alone is responsible for at least 100,000 of the more than 1,000,000 lives lost related to the pandemic known as Covid-19.

Healthcare experts vary in the numbers but the estimates are huge. His failure to take action when he was first informed of an oncoming world health emergency in December of 2019, and fallacious claim that “it will just go away,” until Americans began dying in March of 2020, are the reasons an unnecessary number of our nation’s people lost their lives.

Trump is not only guilty of murder, he is guilty of dereliction of duty. He failed his primary purpose, to protect the safety of 330 million Americans. Not once in four years did the worst illegitimate president in the world place the American people ahead of his personal needs and desires. No politician in American history has been under investigation for an entire term prior to Trump. I cannot understand why anyone who is not a fascist would vote for the orange buffoon.

If we add all of Trump’s crimes together, including those he committed prior to 2017, he will undoubtedly be remembered as America’s greatest criminal.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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