May the Grand Old Party Rest in Peace; the Sequel

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


A long time ago I wrote a story titled “May the Republican Party RIP.” Anyone who failed to read the facts on which this story was based must now take a second look.

In 2010 a number of candidates were allowed to run under the banner of the Republican Party. They were not true Republicans, they were a new extremist party called the “TEA Party,” created and funded by billionaires led by the Koch Brothers. Although they had minimal success, some of the richest Americans in our nation did not believe they were as far to the right as they wanted them to be. In 2018 a radical few, calling themselves “The Freedom Caucus,” moved so far to the right they adopted the philosophies of fascism, dismissing the Constitution.

One of the founders was Ohio Representative, Jim Jordan. He has made himself famous as a loud-mouthed rebel who continues to block any legislation which would move our nation forward, and a leader of a small group which favors government shutdowns every time funding the government becomes an issue.

He became a greater threat to democracy when his name was proposed by today’s fake Republicans to become the next Speaker of the House. His partner in crime, Steve Scalise had withdrawn after his nomination. He was aware that he could not receive the necessary number of votes to win the gavel. However, Jordan’s ambitions, combined with ego and a lack of basic intellect, forced him to suffer through three votes. All three were lost by 20, 22, and 25 votes, in that order.

This failure by the right-wing has proven that they are unfit to govern a nation of 330 million people. Today, House Majority Whip, Tom Emmer, removed his name from contention shortly after receiving the nomination. He would have been blocked by the Freedom Caucus.

Tuesday evening Republicans nominated Mike Johnson for the position. Johnson is another MAGA Republican. Translated into English, he is a traitor to the United States of America.

Okay, let’s get down to reality. The government of the U.S. is broken beyond repair. For decades, beginning in 1981, our government began to rule over us. They are elected public servants, but that is all in the past. 545 men and women have controlled the lives and the future of 330 million people. They have failed their only purpose.

In 2023, this number has been reduced to 46. They call themselves the “Freedom Caucus.” What they are is far worse and more accurate. They are fascists who support their leader, an obese, old former illegitimate president, and are therefore traitors to the nation of our Founding Fathers.

America is experiencing a movement similar to what happened in 1930’s Germany. In 1925 the Nazi party was composed of about 25,000 men and women. By 1929 they had grown to 180,000.

Hitler’s plan to achieve absolute power was legal. His was a grassroots movement which succeeded in members of his party winning lower level elections. However, it was a recession containing high unemployment numbers which encouraged the German people to move to the extreme right and the Nazi Party. This combination resulted in their numbers escalating to about 14,000,000 in 1932.

The last two “Republican” presidents: George W. Bush, and Donald Trump: nearly bankrupt our nation and moved us closer to a depression. Although this is an irrefutable fact, a planned move by the plutocrats who actually control our nation’s future, lies have resulted in support for these failed politicians. With the assistance of Fox News, and other fascist-leaning radio and television broadcasts, millions of Americans believe that America’s economic woes can be blamed on Democrats and Independents. The truth is that presidents Obama and Biden were forced to repair the catastrophes caused by their “Republican” counterparts.

Millions of American voters choose ignorance over facts. Their refusal to become informed voters results in the worst of the worst winning elections. Today’s House of Representatives is a farce. It has no resemblance to the deliberative body in our nation’s past. A two party system depends on deliberation, an open exchange of ideas, and eventual compromise. None of this has happened in the legislative branch for many years. Much of this lays at the feet of the old man who created the “party of no” in 2009, Moscow Mitch McConnell. However, the forces of evil are much greater than the mainstream media will tell you.

Make no mistake, we are engaged in a second Civil War. So far the bloodletting has been minimal, but it may become far more dangerous. Members of the Freedom Caucus are loyal to Trump and Trump is without question the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. I watched proof of this allegation on January 6, 2021 when an attempted coup, planned, organized, and executed by a sitting president, was led by several leaders of these anti-American groups. These are Trump’s Nazis and storm troopers in the 21st century.

This is fact, not fiction or conspiracy theories.

Our government must face reorganization or cease to exist. Along with our government will come the end of the very existence of the United States of America.

Chaos in the House is a symptom. What happens on November 5, 2024 will be the result.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My nine novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle





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