No Intelligent American Would Be a Member of Today’s Republican Party in Name Only or Watch Fox News
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
I am not an elitist. I never graduated from a college or
university. I am nothing more, or less, than a 77-year-old man who has decades
of experience and had the fortune to enjoy reading. I am what can be considered
‘self-educated.’ I try very hard not to be judgmental, but what I see happening
in my beloved country and around the world in the 21st century is
unacceptable and frightening.
Common sense seems to have been tossed aside and tyrants
have become gods worshipped by the ignorant and uninformed. The United States
is no longer the shining star, the epitome of what a democratic, free nation
should be. It has morphed into a society more concerned with corporate profits
than the quality of life for its people. Freedoms are in decline as fascist
politicians seek control over our daily lives in the name of Christianity, and
white power.
Republicans believe they have the right to rule over us.
They no longer believe that their purpose is to serve the needs and wishes of
the American people. They serve the wealthy and ignore the vast majority of 330
million people. More disturbing is the fact that 46 men and women in the House
who claim to be Americans are actually opposed to the Constitution and the
principles and morals of the United States. They are holding 330 million people
hostage to secure the demands of their plutocratic supporters. They call
themselves “the Freedom Caucus.” Every fake Republican in the House is allowing
this to happen. Cowards, one and all.
It is an irrefutable fact that the “Party of Lincoln” no
longer exists. The men and women who continue to use the label “Republican”
today share nothing in common with members of the Grand Old Party in decades
past. The truth is that they have moved so far to the right one entire party
embraces the precepts of fascism. Right-wing politicians would like to end free
and fair elections and obtain autocratic control over our nation’s people. This
is why their leader continues his big lie. He wants to change the system and
eliminate the First Amendment, ending the America of my youth.
It is a little upsetting for me that the Grand Old Party is
nothing but a memory. As a lifelong Independent, I am no longer able to vote
for anyone who sits on the right side of the aisle. I cannot give my ballot to
anyone who is not a patriotic American.
Op-ed by James Turnage
My nine novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle
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