By Definition, Trump Cannot be on the Ballot in 2024

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Section three of the 14th Amendment prevents Trump’s name from being placed on any ballot for any office in 2024. There is undeniable proof that he, in collusion with members of his party, and leaders of several Neo-Nazi groups, planned, organized, and executed the insurrection on January 6, 2021.

[What is the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment?

The central argument in the Minnesota and Colorado cases is the same — that Section Three of the 14th Amendment bars from office anyone who previously swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and then “engaged in insurrection” against it.]

The following is a description of what occurred on January 6th. The definition of “insurrection.”

“A violent uprising against an authority or government.”

Case closed. If he is not convicted on all counts, there is no justice in the United States. The same will be true when he is tried for stealing classified documents. The Rosenbergs were executed in 1955 for very similar actions. No one doubts that Trump planned to sell a number of those documents to the highest bidder.

What bothers me most is the hypocrisy of the Republican Party. In the 1990’s, Newt “open marriage” Gingrich called his party’s policy “the Contract with America.” He claimed that the right wing was the party of morality and family values. We learned that was a huge lie when in 2016 they chose a sexual predator who had three wives, cheated on each of them, and the biography of his life is a tale of white collar crime in America as their nominee for the presidency. His crimes became more egregious after his illegitimate victory in the Electoral College.

Those who call themselves “Republicans” today have no morals, and no principles. Their gods are wealth and power. Their goal is to shred the Constitution and establish a fascist regime with Trump as their dictator, and end fair and free elections.

To be truthful, and I always am, those who call themselves “Republicans” in 2023 are incapable of offering a single candidate qualified to lead our nation. Since 1981 they have been puppets, supporting their leaders regardless of the situation. These men and women have no interest in our nation’s people or their future. They care about their own ambitions and those who fund their elections.

The second Civil War is happening right now. If Trump and his mindless, greedy, and fascist supporters are victorious, the dream of our Founding Fathers will be forgotten in a few days.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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