I Have Nothing To Say

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


I woke up this morning, booted up my laptop, and began to scan the headlines, as usual. I looked for information I did not know, or fully understand. I found nothing to write about on this Thursday morning. I have read or written these same stories multiple times. The names have changed, but the crimes against our country and humanity in general remain the same.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump remains topical, not for anything he has accomplished, but for his most recent criminal activities. George Santos, who is the most illegitimate member of Congress in history, remains in office. His constituents decided not to remove him, although he has been charged with multiple felonies, like the previous criminal in this paragraph. Alabama’s “chosen son,” Tommy Tuberville, continues to reveal what happens when ignorant voters select a former football coach with no experience in a normal lifestyle, to represent them in the Senate. War rages on in the Middle East, a situation which has existed in some manner throughout my lifetime. Everyone lies, especially if their occupation is listed as “politician.” Lastly, no one with great wealth and/or power has ever been justly punished for their crimes.

Everyday life in America has remained the same. Our failed mainstream media reports several mass shootings, failing to challenge our dysfunctional government for refusing to do anything about the rise in domestic terrorism. The gap in income inequality continues to widen, and “Greedflation” remains a problem for the vast majority of our nation’s people, harming seniors on a fixed income the most. Organized religion continues to be the greatest danger to peace in America and to the future of the world.

The only “news” is that half of our government is no longer hiding the fact that they would shred the Constitution and institute a fascist regime if allowed to do so. Neo-Nazi groups are no longer hiding in the shadows. They are now part of our daily life, and accepted by right-wing politicians.

I have nothing new to tell you. The truth is out there if you turn off your “boob tube” and read.

Have a nice day.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My nine novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle



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