Trump Must be Such a Joy to be With: Not!

Op-d by TheWiseOldFart


Every former aide of your illegitimate former president who has been willing to talk to the press has nothing kind to say about Trump. So it should be no surprise to learn that his Thanksgiving Day message was nothing more than one of his everyday rants, complaining about how badly he is being treated by everyone although he has never done anything wrong in his life.

He ranted about how unfairly he is being treated by the judge in his New York fraud trial, and the State’s Attorney General who indicted him. He complained about President Biden as he continued to deny the proven validity of the 2000 election. And although he is clearly the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement to destroy democracy and replace it with a fascist regime, he added:

Oh, and “all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY.”

He did end his boring and sometimes hilarious tirade with a positive promise to his dwindling supporters.

“Have no fear, however, we will WIN the Presidential Election of 2024, & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! he concluded the post.

Such a positive and uplifting speech. I have only one question: “How in the hell could anyone with an IQ higher than 50 support the worst, most hated man in the world?”

Yesterday we remembered one of our nation’s greatest presidents. John F. Kennedy was murdered 60 years ago. If you want to learn the difference between one of our country’s best and the worst in history, compare their inauguration addresses. JFK reminded us of our best qualities and spoke about America moving forward with courage and resolution to become even better. Trump basically called America a “shithole” and suggested tearing it down and starting over.

I will remember Mr. Kennedy forever. I will also remember Trump as the first sitting president to commit treason against his own people. JFK was a brilliant and charismatic man. Trump was something you accidently stepped in and hurried to scrape it of because it smelled so bad.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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