Republicans Continue to Place Politics in Position Number One and Refuse to do the Jobs for Which They Were Elected


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Since January of 2009 Republicans in Washington have done nothing. Although they were elected to serve the needs and wishes of the American people, they ignore the voting public and focus on special interests and their own ambitions.

In 2016 House Republicans spent most of their time on baseless attacks against Hillary Clinton, desperate to win elections. This cost taxpayers millions of dollars and unfairly poisoned the credibility of the most qualified presidential candidate in history. What our country received was the least qualified lifetime criminal in history claiming the title of President of the United States.

In January of 2009 Moscow Mitch McConnell and then Speaker of the House, John Boehner, stood before the cameras and swore that “their party would do nothing until ‘that man’ was out of office.” They continue to keep that promise although President Obama left office in January of 2017.

2023 has exposed the incompetence and unwillingness of the right-wing to perform the jobs for which they were elected. House Republicans continue to make history in the worst possible way.

In January they failed to elect a Speaker on the first vote for the first time in history. Kevin McCarthy was forced to surrender all of his powers and received the gavel after 15 votes.

One of the powers he gave up allowed one individual to demand a vote which removed McCarthy from his position. No one wanted the job until a Jim Jordan clone, Mike Johnson, rose to power. He will be remembered as the least qualified man to ever become third in line for the presidency. He is a Neo-Nazi with beliefs in religious extremism, the most dangerous of all politicians.

This pretender is now leading an effort to impeach President Joe Biden, although no reasonable cause has been offered. This is simply an attempt to avenge the worst illegitimate president in history who was impeached twice for violations of his oath of office and the Constitution.

Another waste of time and money from “the party of no.”

Johnson is a member of the extremist group calling themselves “The Freedom Caucus.” These traitors to the American people continue to hold the House hostage as they block any legislation which would move our nation forward into the 21st century.

On Monday evening I watched a real Republican, Liz Cheney, on Stephen Colbert’s late-night show. I am among many who disagree with Ms. Cheney’s position on many issues, as I did her father’s, but it was clear she loves this country and fears that the damage done by Trump and his cult are irreversible. She continues to believe in the ideals of the Republican Party but refused to admit that it no longer exists. Those who claim to be “Republicans” today are liars masquerading as Americans although their loyalty is to Trump and not to the American people. It is an irrefutable fact that it is impossible to be an American and support our nation’s biggest traitor at the same time.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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