Nixon Signed the Bill Which Created the EPA, and Roe v Wade was Upheld During His Presidency
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
I claim that the once Grand Old Party began its demise in 1981 and imploded once and for all on January 20, 2017. I will also tell you that the last Republican president was Richard Nixon. Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump lacked the principles and morals of the Party of Lincoln. Although George H.W. Bush was a respectable Republican, he adopted the same failed fiscal policy established by Reagan, abandoning his former beliefs.
I will use two examples which validate my claim.
What Real Republicans Supported in the 1970’s
Nixon will forever be remembered for “Watergate.” This is sad because he was the most accomplished president in the latter half of the 20th century. He has a longer list of passed legislation than the five Republican presidents who succeeded him combined.
Some of his accomplishments are well known, including establishing a relationship with the People’s Republic of China, working with the USSR to reduce the escalation of nuclear weapons, ending the draft, signing the bill which gave 18-year-olds the right to vote, and allocated the first federal funds to find a cure for cancer. Lesser known are the facts that he created the Environmental Protection Agency, and Roe v Wade was upheld by the Supreme Court during his presidency.
How Long Will Today’s Republicans be Allowed to Ignore Voters?
Today’s fake Republicans continue to pass anti-abortion laws in red states, and vote against laws designed to end violence against women. They also oppose the EPA. They believe that big business should be allowed to do as they please, including their growing harm to the environment. Polls reveal the fact that most of our nation’s people do not agree with these policies. However, “Republicans” have no interest in serving all Americans. They bow to special interests.
It has been accurately stated that today’s “Republicans” have moved so far to the right, they are always wrong. I definitely agree.
Independents Have Limited Choices in 2024
As an Independent voter since 1967, I miss the GOP. My choices have become limited, and I am not always in favor of several Democratic candidates.
There are several candidates who will never receive my vote, my respect, or my loyalty. At the top of the list is Donald Trump, and included are any politicians who continue to support his lies and treasonous actions against my beloved country.
Op-ed by James Turnage
My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app
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