No One Else Will Tell You the Truth, So I Will

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

America has more problems in the 21st century than in all of its 247-year history. However, if I must break it down to one issue, and I must, it is the very existence of political parties. For professional politicians only one thing matters, not the people or future of our country, winning elections and amassing power is their only goal and their only focus. 

I could not vote until I was 21 years old, in 1967. Therefore, the first election in which I cast my ballot was in 1968. I decided long before that I would never be a member of either party, I would be an Independent, and I remain so today. However, I have a problem, and that problem is our nation’s biggest problem: the entire right side of the aisle no longer represents the majority of our nation’s people. They support the current plutocracy. One fact is frightening: a plutocracy cannot survive permanently without a fascist government. Our democracy is in danger. 

If you are a member of the voting public who makes choices based on whether the candidate has an “R” or “D” next to his or her name, you are not voting wisely. The candidate who shares your vision for our nation’s future should also receive your vote. If you vote for a MAGA Republican, you are voting for the super-rich and against your own best interests. 

Every woman or man who calls him or herself a Republican, sounds like their Fuhrer, Donald Trump. These traitors are loyal to Trump and not to our nation and its people. They refrain from talking about the important issues while constantly attacking those on the left who are attempting to improve the quality of life for all Americans. The Party of Lincoln imploded once and for all in 2017 with the pitiful inauguration of the worst illegitimate president in history. Trump’s MAGA Party is not a political organization, it is a cult. His intentional division of our country’s people prevents him from becoming our president. He will never be mine. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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