If you Reside in a Red State, You do not Live in America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

If you read my rants frequently, you are aware that I believe that all men and women who call themselves “Republicans,” and support Trump, are not Americans. They are members of The American Fascist Party, sometimes referred to as “MAGA Republicans.” 

Red States Do Not Share American Principles 

Red states are determined by the party of the state’s government. At one time they were primarily in the south, but today they include North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Texas, Ohio, and others whose politics have moved to the radical right.  

Although they have differences, they share traits including ambitions to return our nation to a country dominated by white supremacy, blaming the federal government for all their problems, keeping women in a subservient role, attacking immigrants, falsely blaming them for their own inadequacies, and a penchant for accepting lies from Trump and Fox News as facts. They would have been loyal Nazis in 1930’s Germany.  

Their Leader is the Worst Man in the World 

A recent rating from experts on presidential effectiveness revealed something I already knew: Trump will forever be known as America’s worst president. If you trust him, you are not alone. Trump’s life proves that he is a con man. He has never told the truth because he doesn’t know what the truth is. His brain is very small, and his mental and physical abilities are diminishing rapidly.  

Trump Cares Only about Himself 

If you live in a red state, it is extremely likely that you will support Trump in November. What you need to know is that Trump doesn’t give a damn about you either. He believes he is better than you and no one is important but Donald John Trump. 

America is Number One in the World 

The people of the United States are the least informed in the world. Educate yourself and cease choosing to be ignorant. People choose to believe lies, and liars like Trump and the fake journalists on Fox tell you what you want to hear. Their words are empty. 

I would like to see an end to “red” and “blue” states. However, that will only happen if the Electoral College is repealed. Then, and only then will all politicians be forced to speak to all Americans. We, the people, should choose the woman or man we want to represent us in the White House, not the states. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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“The Truth Lives Here” 


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