Netanyahu is THE Problem in the Middle East


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I wrote about a dozen articles related to Israel and its feud with the Palestinian people over the last 10 years. Over that period of time, Benjamin Netanyahu refused to negotiate in good faith with Palestinian leaders multiple times. He can be included in the discussion when leaders of multiple nations are clearly the cause of problems affecting their citizens. Others include Trump’s friends and idols: Vladimir Putin, Mohammad bin Salman, Rodrigo Duterte, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Palestinian people sought statehood in the late 1940’s until today. Israel was recognized by the United Nations in 1948. Members of the U.N. Security Council, the United States and England, have consistently rejected their plea.


Meanwhile, Netanyahu practices “land grabbing policies” in the West Bank and his next effort will likely be Gaza. However, the United States has leverage. Israel receives about 3.3 billion dollars each year in aid. This money is issued in the form of grants, requiring Israel to purchase weapons and other products for their military from American companies. Israel needs us as much as we need them as an ally in the region.


Today, Senate Majority Leader, Democrat Chuck Schumer, called for new elections in Israel to replace Netanyahu.

“As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me: The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7. The world has changed, radically, since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past,” said Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in America.


Last year Netanyahu attempted to take control of Israel’s Supreme Court, which would have resulted in his coalition becoming a dictatorship. Fortunately, he failed, but he is no better than Trump’s handler, Vladimir Putin, or Trump’s idol, Adolf Hitler.

Trump has been following Hitler’s 1930’s playbook page by page for seven years. This week another act of pure nepotism allowed the orange buffoon to take complete control of the Republican National Committee, and the money it receives from billionaire donors. He is now the Republican Party’s only recognized leader. The once Grand Old Party is now under his complete control, modeled after Hitler’s Nazis in 1930’s Germany. I have no doubt Trump will praise Netanyahu for his “strength and courage” in the near future.


The United States of America is currently engaged in a Second Civil War. After the 2024 election it will very likely become bloody, regardless of who wins. Trump’s Neo-Nazi army will seize this opportunity to repeat the January 6 insurrection on a much larger scale if the American people save our nation and President Biden wins reelection. No real American will support a second Trump presidency. He has never been my president and never would be. We will be forced to fight for our freedom once again.

About 59.3 percent of all Americans are pure white. Not all pure whites are white supremacists. It is estimated that about 11 percent of all pure whites support the ambitions of Neo-Nazis. Each year the percentage of pure whites is reduced. Inter-race unions and marriage are far more commonplace than most Americans realize. The percentage Americans who identify as “white” is declining at a faster rate than predicted by anthropologists and sociologists.

In decades, no longer centuries, America will have achieved its promise. We will no longer label other Americans Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, or even Christians, Jews, or Muslims. We will fulfil both our Founding Father’s and Dr. Martin Luther King’s dreams: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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