Social Media is the Greatest Source of Misinformation in the World

Op-ed By TheWiseOldFart

Facebook, Twitter, now known as “X,” and all social media is for sale, and Vladimir Putin is purchasing time at an alarming rate. His purpose is to protect and further Trump’s ambitions which are aligned perfectly with his own. In 2016 Russia bought millions of American votes. This was the first year the presidency was for sale, but it won’t be the last.

Since November 9, 2016, I have boycotted television news and all social media. Each are equally bad; refusing to offer their supporters the whole truth. However, in the 21st century Facebook and other unrestricted media reach more people, people who refuse to search the internet for the truth.

It’s not unexpected that my country has experienced great changes over my 77 years. However, the last nine years moved America backwards, away from the growth our predecessors fought and died for. Everything around me has been built on lies. Reality, facts, and the truth have no place in American life today.

Opinions are not facts. All politicians are liars and opportunists. It is a sad fact that our country was evolving and that has all changed. No longer do people matter. The Constitution has been shredded but no one has noticed. All three branches of our federal government are no longer worthy of our trust. Millions of Americans have been brainwashed and are following false gods. These same men and women believe in white supremacy, the continuation of our current plutocracy, and the establishment of a single religion founded on fairy tales and pagan rituals.

Nearly one-half of our country’s 330 million people have abandoned free thought and follow a man without morals and principles; a man who is only interested in himself. How can they not see that he continues to fail at everything he attempts? They trust his lies and discount the truth and the men and women who actually care about someone other than themselves.

I once had hope for America’s future. That hope is fading quickly. If real Americans lose the current Civil War on November 5, 2024, the dream will have died and its replacement will be a nightmare like no other.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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