There’s no Other Way to Say it: America’s Messed Up

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I have no idea how many articles I have written about mass shootings in America. It disgusts me to know that domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to life in my country in the 21st century. Humans are expected to progress, not regress.

I am especially upset at the fact that most of the violence would end immediately if our corrupt and incompetent federal government would get off their fat asses and do the jobs for which they were elected.

More Than the Number of Days on the Calendar

Mass shootings are defined as “a single incident in which four or more individuals were wounded or killed with the use of a gun” Since 2017, the year Trump became your illegitimate president, there have been more mass shootings than days on the calendar.

The reality is clear: the United States is the most dangerous country in the world. It is no longer safe to shop in a grocery store, workout at a gym, eat at a restaurant, go to the movies, enjoy an evening with your friends at a bar or club, attend a religious service at a church, mosque, or synagogue, and it is too dangerous to send your children to school.

Times I Believed our Government Would Actually do Something

I was reporting for a Las Vegas based newspaper and blog in 2012. I received a skype call from my Editor/Publisher early on December 14th. I had barely begun my day when he told me that a school shooting was underway in Newtown, Connecticut.

I sat in front of the television for several hours learning about the tragedy happening inside Sandy Hook Elementary School. When police confirmed the situation was under control, I was in shock. 20 children, all under the age of seven, had been slaughtered, along with six educators.

Still writing for the same gentleman in 2017, I once again wrote about a preventable tragedy. During a concert in Las Vegas, a lone gunman, armed with 12 assault rifles, some with “bump stocks” affixed to these weapons of mass destruction, murdered 58 men and women, injuring about 500.

Just a month later I wrote about another mass shooting in the small town of Sutherland Springs, Texas. On November 5, 2017, a lone gunman, armed with a military style assault rifle, began shooting inside a church during Sunday services. 26 men, women, and children became victims of another preventable and horrific event. 20 more were injured.

Our nation’s biggest mass shooting, and two others reporting unforgivable numbers of lives lost. My heart was broken. Two of these preventable events occurred during Trump’s first year pretending to be our president. He did nothing but offer “thoughts and prayers.” We learned that “doing nothing” would be standard operating procedure for the worst president in history.

A Saturday Evening in Indianapolis

Last night, outside of a mall in Indianapolis, Indiana, seven young people between the ages of 12 and 17, were wounded by gunfire. Law enforcement officials believe more than one person was involved, but have not made an arrest.

Prevention is Simple, Easy, and Just Plain Common Sense

Lies from right-wing politicians, who desperately need campaign funding from the NRA gun lobby, lie each time our brothers and sisters are murdered by angry and hate-filled men and women. They claim that the Second Amendment allows all Americans to own any weapon they choose. Virtually anyone can purchase any weapon at any time in America.

America was once a nation governed by sensible laws, supported by the majority of our nation’s people. One example we all know. Although the First Amendment protects free speech, it is against the law to yell “fire” in a crowded movie theater. Common sense.

There is no legitimate reason why military weapons and high output magazines, designed for use by soldiers in the battlefield to kill as many of the enemy as possible in the shortest period of time, should not be banned. No hunter, and no one who believes they need a gun for self-protection, needs a military assault rifle.

The truth is that both assault rifles and handguns have a single purpose: to kill other human beings.

Shame on our leaders in Washington. If they continue to ignore the safety of the majority, they must be sent home, permanently.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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“The Truth Lives Here”






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