Trump and Putin: Brothers From Another Mother

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Unless you are ignorant, or ignorant by choice, you are aware that Vladimir Putin and Trump’s agenda for the future of the United States are the same. In 1987 Trump and Putin met for the first time, a fact the media and both parties don’t want you to know. It was during that meeting in Moscow when Trump and Putin established an alliance.


Trump has never been a patriotic American. Throughout his 77 years he constantly broke the law, has been a sexual predator, and has never done anything for another person. He even stole money from his own fake charity. The saddest thing to learn about Trump is that there is not a single positive thing to be said about his wasted life.


What we do know is he will do anything to gain wealth, power, and relevance. Your government continues to hide the truth from the American people. Every detail of Christopher Steele’s dossier about the events which took place in 2013 in Moscow are absolutely true. This meeting finalized Putin’s plan to destroy America, and Trump would be his agent living in the White House.


The second part of this story involves collusion between Moscow Mitch McConnell, Trump, and Putin. A meeting was held in the Oval Office just weeks before the 2016 election. In October, President Obama, Vice-President Biden, leaders of both parties, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Moscow Mitch, and Paul Ryan, received a briefing from the heads of our nation’s security agencies. It was confirmed that Putin was interfering in our election. He was using all tools available to him to secure a win for Donald Trump.

However, Moscow Mitch had a fit. The details are unknown, but he made threats which prevented the revelation of the situation to voters. As we now know, this guaranteed a win for Trump in the Electoral College. Another reason to remove this law which allows states, not the people, to control the outcome of our presidential elections.


Today, Trump is open about his loyalty and worship of Putin. He has proven that he is not an American, and therefore unfit to seek the presidency or any office in our government.

What is most upsetting is right-wing politicians in the legislative and judicial branches of our government support Trump, which also includes support for Putin and his efforts to destroy democracy in America, replacing it with fascism and rule by a dictator.


Even if loyal Americans win this election, I doubt there is any hope to save America. One entire party has abandoned their country and our people. Today’s fake Republicans have been the “party of obstruction” since 2009. Their purpose remains control of our country forever with the end of free and fair elections.

Please vote. If we, the real American people, do not win this Civil War, there will never be another time to save our country.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Please tell everyone that “the truth lives here” from the words of TheWiseOldFart



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