When Was Treason Removed from the List of Federal Crimes?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Let me begin with a definition of what was considered the most grievous crime in our nation when I was young. 

Treason: “the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family.” 

This could not be more clear. It defines any man or woman who commits an action or actions designed to destroy our nation’s current government as defined by the Constitution. It is explicit about how Trump violated his oath of office. He must be punished. 

Why is Trump a Free Man? 

Only the rich and powerful find themselves above the law. If any ordinary citizen attempted to overthrow our government or steal classified documents for personal gain, they would be in a federal detention facility awaiting trial. However, America has become a nation without laws. The rich and powerful are never fairly punished for their many crimes.  

Impeachments Without Trials 

The proof that Trump is above the law was demonstrated by the fact that although Trump was impeached twice for violations of the Constitution, and clearly guilty, Moscow Mitch McConnell refused to conduct a fair trial in the Senate. The Constitution is nothing more than an antique for collectors. Its contents mean nothing in 2024. 

First in the World 

America has finally achieved a “first” in two categories. Our government is the most corrupt in the world. It is also the most incompetent. 

When a member of our legislature commits a crime or misdemeanor, someone in his or her party claims that the people have no right to know because it “involves national security.” 

Each year passing legislation into law involves 200-600 bills. In 2023, only 34 bills were passed. There will be a similar number in 2024.  

Our two major parties are more involved in politics than performing the jobs for which they were elected. 

Politics and Political Parties are the Reasons our Government is Dysfunctional 

Trump’s illegitimate presidency signaled the end of a working govenment in Washington. His outrageous and unconstitutional polices were rejected by Democrats and embraced by Trump’s Maga Republicans. Fascism replaced democracy. Trump took his rightful place as the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. 

Leaders of Neo-Nazi groups led hundreds of traitors on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to overthrow our government. It is impossible to believe that their leader, a traitor to the American way of life, wants to defile our White House again. 

If you are allowed to vote by mail, please do so. It is the safest and most secure way to be counted. If you choose to go to the polls on November 5th, be prepared for harassment from Trump’s “people.” They are desperate to move our nation backwards into the dark days of the mid-20th century. 

It is our privilege and our right to save the America of our Founding Fathers. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle 

Tell everyone, “The Truth LIves Here”  


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