Without the Electoral College, Republicans Would Never Win the Presidency again.


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Fact: if the Electoral College, a rule which allows the states to choose our president, preventing the will of the people, and preventing the promise of “every vote must count,” did not exist, not a single Republican would have defiled our White House since 1993.

There Can Be no Argument: The People Should Choose Who Leads Them

Our Founding Fathers believed that presidents must be chosen by the people. However, smaller, less populated states whined about “representation,” and the Electoral College was created, ending another right of the people, and the inevitable creation of “red and blue states.”

From 1992 through 2020, Democrats have won the popular vote, with a single exception. After 9/11 and the reelection bid of George W. Bush in 2004, John Kerry lost the Electoral College by three million votes, 62,028,285 to 59,028,109. However, like 2000, the 2004 election was controversial. A plethora of false information about John Kerry flooded the airways.

The Insurrection on January 6, 2021, might not have happened if the Electoral College did no exist.

Two Democrats Were Cheated Although They Were the People’s Choice

In 2000 Al Gore won the popular vote. However, a violation of the spirit of the Constitution allowed a biased Supreme Court to halt a recount in Florida and handed a victory to George W. Bush, who became the second worst president in history.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by three million ballots. Interference by Donald Trump’s mentor and handler, Vladimir Putin, handed an illegitimate win in the Electoral College to the man who became the worst president in history.

Regardless of the Corruption by Republicans, Vote

I beg of you, do not allow these facts to lessen your resolve to vote in November. Remember, the people stood up en masse in 2020 to evict Donald Trump from the White House. We, the people, the real Americans have the power to do the right thing.

Take Our Country Back from Trump’s Fascist Supporters

America must take back its freedoms and its rights, and only voters can accomplish this task. Stand up to the most corrupt and incompetent government in the world. Send them a message: “we will not be intimidated nor will we allow an obese, old, fascist to return to the White House and continue his efforts to void the Constitution.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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