Can One Story Signal the Possibility that Hope is Alive in America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

The vote was 311-112. The House of Representatives voted to approve additional military aid for Ukraine. Why is this shocking? Trump and his fascist supporters in the House calling themselves the “Freedom Caucus” opposed the bill’s passage. They went so far as to threaten the removal of Mike Johnson, one of their own, as the Speaker if it passed. 

The Republican Party controls 218 seats out of 435, and 41 of those right-wing politicians are members of the Freedom Caucus. This is a significant defeat for Trump and his anti-American minions. 

Are a Growing Number of Right-Wing Politicians Revealing Their Disgust for Trump? 

I’m not sure if this means anything. Members of the House are up for election every two years, and this is priority number one for all professional politicians. 

However, this vote definitely reveals a lack of cohesion on the right side of the aisle. There is a widespread belief that Democrats will regain control of the House in November. Is this the reason for this critical vote, or are a number of Republicans simply fed up with Trump and his division of our nation for his personal benefit? 

America Cannot Exist Without Two Parties Engaging in Honest Deliberation and Compromise 

Our nation’s system of government is only effective when there are two dedicated political parties who attempt to govern based on principles and ideals. When they are willing to honestly and openly debate the issues, and eventually find compromise, our government works. When they refuse to perform their jobs as expected, our government becomes dysfunctional. 

I know it was only one vote, but I sincerely hope this is a step which will renew efforts by our elected officials to place the needs and wishes of our people first. 

The Ultimate Truth 

Only when special interests are rejected by our elected officials will our government become a valid and respected entity. Only when lobbyists are expelled from Washington will America be cleansed from corruption. Only when term limits are applied to all three branches of government and the jobs for which our elected officials won elections become the reason for their existence, will people become more important than corporate profits. 

Change means moving forward. Doing nothing is regressive and will move our nation’s people on a path which is moving backwards.  

Hope is always meaningless unless it is supported by action. 

Vote against political parties and for yourself and those you love. Be an Independent voter, and an independent thinker. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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Please follow my blog: TheWiseOldFart 



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