Every Time I Felt Convinced, Something Else Offered Questions About the Death of JFK

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

I was just beginning high school in 1960 when John Fitzgerald Kennedy became our nation’s 35th President. I was a senior when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas. 

That Friday and the following weekend, nothing was on our 20-inch television other than events related to the tragedy which affected all Americans. I cried many times. I am not a “hero worshipper,” but JFK changed my life and the lives of millions of other young Americans. 

60 Years Revealed the Facts About the Murder of one of our Nation’s Few Great Presidents 

Over the last 60 years of my life, facts about JFK’s murder have been revealed. All of them point to the fact that the Warren Commission misled the American people. President Kennedy was not assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald alone. This was a legitimate conspiracy theory.  

President Kennedy was a threat to our legislative branch and our security agencies, including the FBI. He could have become our nation’s biggest “whistle blower.” 

We Will Never Know the Truth About the Murder of JFK 

Our government has destroyed much of the evidence which would have proven that a poor marksman, armed with a poorly constructed weapon, purchased by mail, was incapable of taking the life of our President from a window in a book depository building. 

Just recently I learned that the coffin which originally held the body of the President is in a location inaccessible to everyone. 


When JFK’s body arrived in Washington, it was in a bronze casket. Bobby Kennedy, the Secret Service, and former aids of the President decided to place his remains in a different casket made of African Mahogany. The family agreed to a closed casket ceremony. 

The original casket was placed in a secure storage facility until February 18, 1966. The Air Force removed the casket from the facility and transported it to an Air Force transport. Holes were drilled into the casket which once held the remains of our 35th President, and sandbags were placed inside. The aircraft took off to an undisclosed location above the Atlantic Ocean. The bronze casket, now encased in a wooden box, was lowered by parachutes to the ocean’s surface where it began to sink immediately. 

This all took place after Congress had passed a law preserving all evidence related to the death of President Kennedy. Once again, our government ignored the law when it was to their benefit. 


This information was not revealed to the American people until 1998. The reason given for this strange disposal of what might have contained some evidence about the murder of our President seemed somewhat plausible.  

[The family feared that the original casket would become a “curiosity,” defiling the memory of our nation’s 35th President.] 

If this is reality, why was this incident carefully hidden from the American people for decades. Several questions must be asked, including “which casket actually contains the body of President Kennedy today,” and what evidence might be lying at the bottom of the ocean today?” 


Whenever our corrupt government wants to hide something from the American people, they claim, for reasons of national security.”  

I feel justified, again, and call “bullshit.” We deserve the truth, no, we demand the truth. Our elected officials serve us, we do not serve them. 

Trust no one in power. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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