Marjorie Taylor Greene Continues to be Irrelevant, and is now Forced to Shut the F**k Up


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Democrats, tired of the circus the House has become thanks to the Freedom Caucus, are promising that Speaker Mike Johnson will not be removed from his position.

FC member, Matt Gaetz, led the effort to expel Kevin McCarthy, and the loudmouth from Georgia, also a member of the FC, Marjorie Taylor Greene, vowed to remove Johnson after he joined with Democrats to pass a bill giving additional aid to Ukraine.

MTG has been censored by her party, some of whom admit they are tired of her bullshit. Democratic leaders issued the following statement.

“At this moment, upon completion of our national security work, the time has come to turn the page on this chapter of Pro-Putin Republican obstruction. We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair. If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed,” the leaders wrote in a statement.


The Republican Party is nothing more than a memory in 2024. Republican leaders made the mistake of allowing a group of extremists, formed by the Koch brothers, and calling themselves the “TEA Party” to infiltrate what has become the former Grand Old Party.

In January of 2015, Jim Jordan and other Republican members of the House who believed the TEA Party was not far enough to the right, formed the fascist-leaning Freedom Caucus.

Neither of these groups chose to honor the principles, morals, or ideals of the Party of Lincoln. Therefore, when Trump was illegitimately chosen by the Electoral College to be your president in 2016, and knowing his allegiance to Vladimir Putin, and his admiration of Adolf Hitler, they surrendered what pieces of their dignity were left and joined “Big Adolf’s” American Fascist Party, also referred to as MAGA Republicans.

For Independents, like me, the demise of the Republican Party is sad, and possibly fatal to the future of our nation. A Democratic Republic relies on honest deliberation and eventual compromise to survive. Not only do the two major parties refuse to talk to each other, factions within the former GOP fail to talk and work with each other.


America did not elect traitors such as MTG, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise, Paul Gosar and others who would end democracy. The voters in red states or from red districts in purple states decided that they were the best candidates available. MTG is from Georgia, Gaetz from Florida, Jordan from Ohio, Gosar from Arizona, and Scalise is from Washington, D.C. The latter is a bit of a surprise because the voters of D.C. are notoriously Democratic, with about 95 percent claiming to be Democrats. Apparently Scalise comes from one small area which is predominately supportive of right-wing politicians.

This is more proof that voting for a party, and not the most qualified candidate is moronic and dangerous to the future of democracy.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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