The Definition of Insanity: Marjorie Taylor Greene

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Simply seeing a picture of Marjorie Taylor Greene forces a single reaction from everyone: insanity. I am worried about the ignorant people of Georgia who voted for her.

Insanity: “the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.”

This woman lives in an alternate universe. She is definitely not an American: maybe she’s an alien from the planet, “Nutbag.” Regardless, she has become the “mouth” of the Freedom Caucus, offering an endless number of baseless conspiracy theories, most of which are obviously created in her own demented mind.


I would be remiss if I refused to admit that MTG is only one of 41 fascists in the House whose primary ambition is to destroy our government. It is a little funny that the Freedom Caucus was created because the TEA Party was not as radical as many of today’s fake Republicans had hoped. Jim Jordan’s traitorous constituents are so extreme, so far to the right, they can only be called fascists. They have taken Moscow Mitch McConnell’s “party of no” to new lows.

I continue to believe that because the once Grand Old Party has been shattered, our government is dysfunctional and irreparable with its current members in control of our nation’s future.

It is a fact that Trump has been the impetus for the end of democracy in America, but it is clear in 2024 that today’s right-wing extremists have been waiting for a leader who would support their destructive views of our nation since the 1980’s.


MTG was livid on Saturday after her Speaker, a fellow member of the Freedom Caucus, Mike Johnson, ushered a 95-billion-dollar aid package for Ukraine through the House.

“It’s unbelievable,” Greene said of Johnson, adding she was “thankful” that Americans “get to see who this man is.”

However, instead of moving immediately to remove Johnson, she reneged and said she would allow members of the House to go home and “face their constituents.”


Most Americans support Ukraine, and are fully aware that Vladimir Putin is our nation’s greatest enemy. However, MTG and her Freedom Caucus cronies openly support Putin along with the policies of Adolf Hitler.

The 2024 election is more than a battle for control of our government, it is a battle for our democracy. “Republicans” have become the “Confederacy” of the 21st century. If given the opportunity, these traitors would shred the Constitution, with the exception of the Second Amendment.

It is not an exaggeration to claim that the future of our nation is in the hands of the voting public. President Biden’s agenda is focused on the American people and improving their quality of life. Trump’s plans involve a fascist takeover which would benefit himself, his fascist party, and our nation’s billionaires while ignoring 330 million people.

Make November 5th the most important day in your life, because it is.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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